May 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Sat May 1 00:37:57 CEST 2004
Ending: Mon May 31 22:28:52 CEST 2004
Messages: 652
- CentOS
- Hosts disappearing from Host Details screen
- Extended Data problems under MySQL using Nagio s 1.2 CGI Interface
APMI QUIDILLA, Antonino P. Jr.
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hy before?
Russell Adams
- check_ping hangs up
Paul L. Allen
- different contact methods for different events
Paul L. Allen
- another ico/logo issue
Paul L. Allen
- Giving up on NRPE, willing to try check_by_ssh...
Paul L. Allen
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Paul L. Allen
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Paul L. Allen
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Paul L. Allen
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Paul L. Allen
- Nagios and the GPL (was Has anyone looked into the...)
Paul L. Allen
- Killfile both of them (Was: Paulie, dear friend. ;-))
Paul L. Allen
- Cannot determine ORACLE_HOME for sid DBName
Sheldon Anderson
- Nagios with MySql
Andreoni Antonella
- build custom rpm with nagios-plugins and nagios-plugins-extras
Chris Armstrong
- build custom rpm with nagios-plugins and nagios-plugins-extras
Chris Armstrong
- Trouble installing WEBMIN
Rysstad - Tor Arne
- Simple Instructions for Installing NRPE & Plugins for Remote Serv ers to be Monitored
Atwal, Steve
- command file problem
Hendrik B
- Disk Usage and excluding file systems
BOHR,JAMIE (A-ColSprings,ex1)
- libraries for debian woody 3.0r1 installation
Jamie Baddeley
- send_nsca binding to a defined host address.
Jamie Baddeley
- send_nsca binding to a defined host address.
Jamie Baddeley
- monitor a hostless service
Jamie Baddeley
- weird problem with check_ifstatus (and check_ifoperstatus)
Jamie Baddeley
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Jamie Baddeley
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Jamie Baddeley
- command file problem
Ballowe, Charles
- command file problem
Ballowe, Charles
- Hosts disappearing from Host Details screen
Andrew Barker
- Nagios Missing Passive Checks
David Barnett
- Confused on Intervals
Dave Barnum
- dependacy formatting question
Dave Barnum
- cannot display Logos
Dave Barnum
- dependacy formatting question
Dave Barnum
- dependacy formatting question
Dave Barnum
- Host State Breakdowns
Dave Barnum
- Non-Email notifications...
C. Bensend
- Install Help - Invaild User???
C. Bensend
- Compiling with gd issues (some hints)
C. Bensend
- Check_snmp on HP-Ux 11.00
Marco Borsani
- check_udp
Marco Borsani
- Scheduing Downtime
Marco Borsani
- Monitoring Windows Event Log from Nagios
Ludo Bosmans
- Monitoring Windows Event Log from Nagios ( SEC OND TRY TO REPLY )
Ludo Bosmans
- Nagios passive check not changing alert condit ion
Ludo Bosmans
- SMS notifications
Ludo Bosmans
- SMS notifications
Ludo Bosmans
- SMS notifications
Ludo Bosmans
- passing macro variables to shell script
Ludo Bosmans
- Watching Exchange Private store
Boswell, Richard
- init.d script for Debian (for use with version 1.2)
Jeremy T. Bouse
- Extended Data problems under MySQL using Nagios 1.2 CGI Interface
Jason Branscum
- Extended Data problems under MySQL using Nagios 1.2 CGI Interface
Jason Branscum
- nrpe_nt connections refused by host
Gregor Bruhin
- configuration files
Gregor Bruhin
- temptrax
Gregor Bruhin
- log events presentation (end of alert after ack)
Gregor Bruhin
- check_http & proxy
Gregor Bruhin
- Issues
Jason Byrns
- nagios errors
Tóth Béla
- nagios errors (fwd)
Tóth Béla
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Grant Adamson / Van CI
- 100% Undetermined time
Daniel Chemko
- 100% Undetermined time
Daniel Chemko
- NS Client issue
Daniel Chemko
- State history (Graph)
Stewart Chen
- Status map
Dan Clark
- Remotely checking disk space
Brent M. Clements
- Nagios MRTG Mysql database
Ben Clewett
- Getting Performance Data into the perfdata files
Ben Clewett
- Getting Performance Data into the perfdata files
Ben Clewett
- Getting Performance Data into the perfdata files
Ben Clewett
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Ben Clewett
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Ben Clewett
- Nagios with MySql
Ben Clewett
- Getting Performance Data into the perfdata files
Ben Clewett
- New hosts and services not visible in web interface - Again? Unfortenately yes
Marc Commandeur
- Integration of Nagios into Trouble-Ticket-Systems (OTRS)
Cook, Garry
- Calculating Bandwidth with snmp on cisco router
Cook, Garry
- Calculating Bandwidth with snmp on cisco router
Cook, Garry
- Getting Performance Data into the perfdata files
Cook, Garry
- Getting Performance Data into the perfdata files
Cook, Garry
- Getting Performance Data into the perfdata files
Cook, Garry
- Contact Information
Cook, Garry
- Host State Breakdowns
Cook, Garry
- Betr.: RE: High check latency with nagios
Cook, Garry
- Getting Performance Data into the perfdata files
Cook, Garry
- NRPE on Solaris 7
Cooley, David
- NRPE on Solaris 7
Cooley, David
- switched rack PDU and SNMP monitoring
Kerry Cox
- switched rack PDU and SNMP monitoring
Kerry Cox
- check_http question?
Karl DeBisschop
- check_http question?
Karl DeBisschop
- [Nagios-users] check_ping & check_fping replacement without requirements
Karl DeBisschop
- check_by_ssh and banner
Karl DeBisschop
- SMS notifications
Onsite DeTeWe
- SMS notifications
Onsite DeTeWe
- SMS notifications
Onsite DeTeWe
- SMS notifications
Onsite DeTeWe
- SMS notifications
Onsite DeTeWe
- SMS notifications
Onsite DeTeWe
- passing macro variables to shell script
Onsite DeTeWe
- passing macro variables to shell script
Onsite DeTeWe
- service_group definition
Vlad Didenko
- service_group definition
Vlad Didenko
- service_group definition
Vlad Didenko
- alerts not been sent
Sean Dilda
- build custom rpm with nagios-plugins and nagios-plugins-extras
Sean Dilda
- Contact Information
Sean Dilda
- Output problems with check_snmp ...
Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle
- Nagios scheduling queue seems to be laggingbehind real time
Jack Doyle
- Nagios on OS X?
Mark Duling
- Plugin to simulate a user login?
Mark Duling
- Page Cannot Be Displayed Error After Enabling CGI/Authentication
Slade Edmonds
- Page Cannot Be Displayed Error After Enabling CGI/Authentication
Slade Edmonds
- check_tcp works from CLI, not in nagios
Slade Edmonds
- Page Cannot Be Displayed Error After Enabling CGI/Authentication (Problem Solved -- Cisco IDS to Blame)
Slade Edmonds
- (no subject)
Slade Edmonds
- NRPE on Solaris 7
Slade Edmonds
- Calculating Bandwidth with snmp on cisco router
Slade Edmonds
- OT Network-Tools
Slade Edmonds
- Trouble installing WEBMIN
Slade Edmonds
- Network-Tools
Slade Edmonds
- Trouble installing WEBMIN
Slade Edmonds
- plugin installation on remote host
Slade Edmonds
- What I'm I doing wrong here?
Slade Edmonds
- Nagios-1.2 compilation error
Slade Edmonds
- Integration of Nagios into Trouble-Ticket-Systems (OTRS)
Matthias Eichler
- Nagat vs. Nagmin
Matthias Eichler
- libraries for debian woody 3.0r1 installation
Matthias Eichler
- libraries for debian woody 3.0r1 installation
Matthias Eichler
- libraries for debian woody 3.0r1 installation
Matthias Eichler
- libraries for debian woody 3.0r1 installation
Matthias Eichler
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Matthias Eichler
- Integration of Nagios into Trouble-Ticket-Syst ems (OTRS)
Tedman Eng
- problem with web interface
Andreas Ericsson
- problem with web interface
Andreas Ericsson
- check_by_ssh
Andreas Ericsson
- Ping plugin
Andreas Ericsson
- Upgrading questions
Andreas Ericsson
- nrpe - ssl handshake?
Andreas Ericsson
- Migration from Netsaint to NagiOS
Andreas Ericsson
- check_ping & check_fping replacement without requirements
Andreas Ericsson
- build custom rpm with nagios-plugins and nagios-plugins-extras
Andreas Ericsson
- [Nagios-devel] new plugin interface for Nagios
Andreas Ericsson
- (no subject)
Andreas Ericsson
- bypass authorization?
Andreas Ericsson
- Output problems with check_snmp ...
Andreas Ericsson
- nagios errors
Andreas Ericsson
- NRPE - Could not read request from client, bailing out...
Andreas Ericsson
- Checks are orphaned...
Andreas Ericsson
- Check_procs question
Andreas Ericsson
- check_ping packet loss issue, Andreas Ericsson's replacement
Andreas Ericsson
- NRPE - Could not read request from client, bailing out...
Andreas Ericsson
- Giving up on NRPE, willing to try check_by_ssh...
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios And MySQL
Andreas Ericsson
- AW: configuration help on remote hosts
Andreas Ericsson
- Is bogus packet-loss really a problem?
Andreas Ericsson
- configure nagios with mysql
Andreas Ericsson
- 100% Undetermined time
Andreas Ericsson
- NRPE on Solaris 7
Andreas Ericsson
- Multiple host parents?
Andreas Ericsson
- check_ping packet loss issue, Andreas Ericsson's replacement
Andreas Ericsson
- SMS notifications
Andreas Ericsson
- Network-Tools
Andreas Ericsson
- quick question about check_nt plugin
Andreas Ericsson
- Trouble installing WEBMIN
Andreas Ericsson
- Network-Tools
Andreas Ericsson
- passing macro variables to shell script
Andreas Ericsson
- hostgroup.cfg file
Andreas Ericsson
- High check latency with nagios
Andreas Ericsson
- Escalations - getting a different message/notify command for each different escalation level.
Andreas Ericsson
- High check latency with nagios
Andreas Ericsson
- Has anyone looked into the product by before?
Andreas Ericsson
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Andreas Ericsson
- Hosts disappearing from Host Details screen
Andreas Ericsson
- HA Nagios system
Andreas Ericsson
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Andreas Ericsson
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Andreas Ericsson
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Andreas Ericsson
- High check latency with nagios
Andreas Ericsson
- Cannot determine ORACLE_HOME for sid DBName
Andreas Ericsson
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Andreas Ericsson
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Andreas Ericsson
- check_by_ssh -> Hostkey verification failed
Andreas Ericsson
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios not UNIX Friendly?
Andreas Ericsson
- Paulie, dear friend. ;-)
Andreas Ericsson
- Killfile both of them (Was: Paulie, dear friend. ;-))
Andreas Ericsson
- Premature end script header.
- Premature end script header.
Correard Fabrice
- bagios and apache not on the same machine
László Csaba Ferenc
- bagios and apache not on the same machine
László Csaba Ferenc
- escalation bug?
Adam R. Forsyth
- escalation bug?
Adam R. Forsyth
- check_by_ssh and banner
Jennifer Fountain
- Calculating Bandwidth with snmp on cisco router
Jennifer Fountain
- configuration files
- configuration files- 2
- init.d script for Debian (for use with version 1.2)
Warren Freitag
- Upgrading questions
Gallegly, Rob
- Upgrading questions
Gallegly, Rob
- CVS access
Ethan Galstad
- nagios-stat
Javier Garcia
- Database schema?
Javier Garcia
- checking Windows local services
Javier Garcia
- checking services with check_nt
Javier Garcia
- Database schema?
Javier Garcia
- NSCA problem
- temptrax
Vern Gerein
- Monitoring SAN boxes
Subhendu Ghosh
- Plugin to simulate a user login?
Steve Gilbert
- check_ping hangs up
Gramajo, Gabriel
- Ping plugin
Gramajo, Gabriel
- RV: SAME PROBLEM !!! check_tcp works from CLI, not in nagios
Gramajo, Gabriel
- Database schema?
Andrew Grimberg
- Database schema?
Andrew Grimberg
- check_dhcp / Error: Could not bind socket to interface... (permissions are ok)
Ralf Gross
- host down, no service check-> no notification
Ralf Gross
- Problem alert server is EMPTY
Francesc Guasch
- Newbie host/server issue
Peter Gutmann
- Bang :(
Peter Gutmann
- configure nagios with mysql
Markus Hackethal
- configure nagios with mysql
Markus Hackethal
- configure nagios with mysql
Markus Hackethal
- check_http functionality for regular expressions and redirects?
Michael T. Halligan
- nagios 1.1 statusmap.cgi internal server error
Harris, Sam
- AW: Re: Version 2.0 timeframe?
Julian Hein
- nagios-stat
Brian Hendrix
- Always EMPTY result from check_mailq ...
Justin Hennessy
- Output problems with check_snmp ...
Justin Hennessy
- Output problems with check_snmp ...
Justin Hennessy
- Statusmap
Justin Hennessy
- nrpe - ssl handshake?
Seth Hollist
- Nagios not UNIX Friendly?
Seth Hollist
- check_http to check a proxy.
Stanley Hopcroft
- OT: How to reduce the chance of getting a question answered from Nag users ..
Stanley Hopcroft
- Gd problems ....
Stanley Hopcroft
- Escalations - getting a different message/notify command for each different escalation level.
Stanley Hopcroft
- Escalations - getting a different message/notify command for each escalation level.
Stanley Hopcroft
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Stanley Hopcroft
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Stanley Hopcroft
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Stanley Hopcroft
- Plugin to simulate a user login?
Stanley Hopcroft
- new install, ping services not working
Spencer Horn
- new install, ping services not working
Spencer Horn
- Downtime history?
Spencer Horn
- Downtime history?
Spencer Horn
- Strange logging problem
Spencer Horn
- service_group definition
Spencer Horn
- Plugin to simulate a user login?
Olaf Hoyer
- OT: Re: Calculating Bandwidth with snmp on cisco router]
Andrew J. Hoyos
- check-host-alive returns /bin/ping -n -U -c 1
Russ Hubbard
- check-host-alive returns /bin/ping -n -U -c 1
Russ Hubbard
- freshness check on passive service fails
Michael Huettig
- Chain-hash-patch and 1.2
Ron Huff
- A question for all
Ron Huff
- how to update from 1.1 to 1.2
Ron Huff
- Missing Notifications
Ron Huff
- Nagat vs. Nagmin
Magnus Hultgren
- Nagios And MySQL
Magnus Hultgren
- Monitoring snmp traps from PowerWare UPS's
John Ireland
- Nagios Messages
Mohr James
- AW: Non-Email notifications...
Helmut Januschka
- check dns problem
- check dns problem
- Tool for centralised deployment of NRPE configs
Hugh Jones
- Upgrading from nagios 1.0 to 1.2
Wilson Pires Jr
- Checking Samba
David Hansen Jr.
- Nagmin, converting nagios systems/services from file to database
Luke A. Kanies
- configuring nsca
Luke A. Kanies
- configuring nsca
Luke A. Kanies
- Service Check Timeout Error Message
Kaplan, Andrew H.
- check_radius
Matthew Kent
- check dns problem
Matthew Kent
- Host and Service command
Andreas Koch
- Host and Service command
Andreas Koch
- cannot display Logos
Kiran Koduru
- Monitoring LVS
Marco Kohn
- not getting notified
- using variables in check commands
Ryan Langseth
- alerts not been sent
Naman Latif
- Host Retry check Interval
Naman Latif
- Vedr.: Lotus Domino
Thomas Jens Lauritsen
- Domino - SNMP - NAGIOS
Thomas Jens Lauritsen
- check_ping packet loss issue, Andreas Ericsson's replacement
Noah Leaman
- check_ping packet loss issue, Andreas Ericsson's replacement
Noah Leaman
- Compiling with gd issues (some hints)
Graeme Lee
- Wierd logo/icon issues
Richard Lefevre
- Hiding hosts/services from host/service status views.
Richard Lefevre
- new install, ping services not working
Anthony Lieuallen
- new install, ping services not working
Anthony Lieuallen
- new install, ping services not working
Anthony Lieuallen
- check_tcp works from CLI, not in nagios
Anthony Lieuallen
- autologin?
Anthony Lieuallen
- check_tcp works from CLI, not in nagios
Anthony Lieuallen
- time interval in between checks in seconds
Anthony Lieuallen
- Email Notification help.
Robert Logbeck
- Newbie host/server issue
Robert Logbeck
- Tool for centralised deployment of NRPE configs
Simon Lorenz
- Bang :(
Jon Lyons
- host notification problems?
Tomáš Macek
- Host Check 'check_tcp' not found!
Leonardo Henrique Machado
- Host Check 'check_tcp' not found!
Leonardo Henrique Machado
- Loggin Failure: "logged as ?"
Leonardo Henrique Machado
- Loggin Failure: "logged as ?"
Leonardo Henrique Machado
- NRPE - Could not read request from client, bailing out...
Flak Magnet
- NRPE - Could not read request from client, bailing out...
Flak Magnet
- Giving up on NRPE, willing to try check_by_ssh...
Flak Magnet
- Solution: NRPE - Could not read request from client, bailing out...
Flak Magnet
- Giving up on NRPE, willing to try check_by_ssh...
Flak Magnet
- Giving up on NRPE, willing to try check_by_ssh...
Flak Magnet
- Non-Email notifications...
Flak Magnet
- Install Help - Invaild User???
Flak Magnet
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Flak Magnet
- Large Distributed Nagios w/ NSCA
Thales Maia
- Nagios scheduling queue seems to be lagging behind real time
Thales Maia
- Nagios scheduling queue seems to be lagging behind real time
Thales Maia
- freshness check on passive service fails
Thales Maia
- MIB? quick question
Malve, Neeraj S (Corporate, consultant)
- Network-Tools
Steinbacher Manfred
- plugin/module for timing HTTP traffic
Phil Manuel
- another ico/logo issue
Phil Manuel
- HA Nagios system
Phil Manuel
- doubt - nagios reports with mysql support
Marcos & Marcelo
- Nagios MRTG Mysql database
Marcos & Marcelo
- Nagios-1.2 compilation error
- configuring nsca
Jason Martin
- Loggin Failure: "logged as ?"
Jason Martin
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Jason Martin
- Downtime
Jason Martin
- Contact Information
Martin, Stanley G [Contractor for Sprint]
- Mib browser Web
Martinez Gonzalez, Francisco
- /bin/ping
Basile Mathieu
- Trouble starting nagios
Peter McAlpine
- Lotus Domino
Jan-Piet Mens
- Lotus Domino
Martin Mielke
- Vedr.: Lotus Domino
Martin Mielke
- Domino - SNMP - NAGIOS
Martin Mielke
- Status map
- cannot display Logos
- Nagios with high server count, how to organize
- Nagios with high server count, how to organize
- Help on status map .
- Nagmin, converting nagios systems/services from file to database
- quick question about check_nt plugin
- Extended Data problems under MySQL using Nagios 1.2 CGI Interface
- Nagios Configuration File in DB
Thierry Missimilly
- Check_oracle db and tns
Thierry Missimilly
- nrpe for AIX 5.2
Rudy Montemayor
- Large Distributed Nagios w/ NSCA
Mooney, Ryan
- Remotely checking disk space
Demetri Mouratis
- CentOS
Demetri Mouratis
- Nagios installation
Demetri Mouratis
- command file problem
Demetri Mouratis
- bagios and apache not on the same machine
Demetri Mouratis
- Possible problem with notifications in Nagios 1.2
Demetri Mouratis
- Email Notification help.
Jim Mozley
- Nagios Missing Passive Checks
Jim Mozley
- dependacy formatting question
Mueller, Karl
- Chain-hash-patch and 1.2
Mueller, Karl
- service_group definition
Mueller, Karl
- service_group definition
Mueller, Karl
- FW: 2.0 CVS patch for Aggressive Stale Check directive (and the option to disable it)
Mueller, Karl
- Nagios with high server count, how to organize
Mueller, Karl
- Nagios with high server count, how to organize
Mueller, Karl
- monitor a hostless service
Mueller, Karl
- SMS Notifications
Brian Murphy
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Gary Lawrence Murphy
- Migration from Netsaint to NagiOS
Milind Nanal
- Nagat admin tool problem
Milind Nanal
- Minimum arguments not supplied! problem
Milind Nanal
- time interval in between checks in seconds
- time interval in between checks in seconds
- checking Windows local services
- Status map
Robert Nelson
- Escalations / 15 minute wait on notifications
Robert Nelson
- Escalations / 15 minute wait on notifications
Robert Nelson
- Plugin for automatic Status-Map location
Robert Nelson
- Hiding hosts/services from host/service status views.
Robert Nelson
- Hosts disappearing from Host Details screen
Robert Nelson
- Premature end script header.
Robert Nelson
- Nagios and the GPL (was Has anyone looked into the...)
Robert Nelson
- different contact methods for different events
Dan Newcombe
- hostextinfo being ignored
Dan Newcombe
- hostextinfo being ignored
Dan Newcombe
- Check_oracle db and tns
Dan Newcombe
- switched rack PDU and SNMP monitoring
Dan Newcombe
- switched rack PDU and SNMP monitoring
Dan Newcombe
- monitor a hostless service
Dan Newcombe
- Change "default" page?
Jonathan Nichols
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
Jonathan Nichols
- check_by_ssh -> Hostkey verification failed
Nicki Messerschmidt, Linksystem Muenchen GmbH
- Disk Usage and excluding file systems
Nolan, Greg
- Host Checks get clogged
Nolan, Greg
- Bang :(
Gaurang Pandya
- Bang :(
Gaurang Pandya
- Bang :(
Gaurang Pandya
- checking services with check_nt
Gaurang Pandya
- False positives after the Parent host recovered
Gaurang Pandya
- Hosts disappearing from Host Details screen
Reuben Pearse
- Hosts disappearing from Host Details screen
Reuben Pearse
- check_by_ssh
David Peer
- check_by_ssh
David Peer
- A question for all
John Penrod
- Install Help - Invaild User???
Nick Peters
- Install Help - Invaild User???
Nick Peters
- CGI's Won't Work - Output is garbage
Dixie Peterson
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Bernd Petrovitsch
- Integration of Nagios into Trouble-Ticket-Syst ems (OTRS)
Pettersson, Magnus
- Cisco routers and Nagios
Platt, Nicholas
- Cisco routers and Nagios
Platt, Nicholas
- Cisco router SNMP TRAPs - snmptrapd script verification
Platt, Nicholas
- Cisco router SNMP TRAPs - snmptrapd script ver ification
Platt, Nicholas
- Nagios passive check not changing alert condition
Platt, Nicholas
- Nagios passive check not changing alert condit ion
Platt, Nicholas
- Nagios passive check not changing alert condit ion
Platt, Nicholas
- configuration files- 2
Marc Powell
- Missing CGIs
Marc Powell
- Historical data
Marc Powell
- Downtime history?
Marc Powell
- Nagios Configuration File in DB
Marc Powell
- dependacy formatting question
Marc Powell
- Migration from Netsaint to NagiOS
Marc Powell
- Check service utilization
Marc Powell
- check_tcp works from CLI, not in nagios
Marc Powell
- Change "default" page?
Marc Powell
- Host Check 'check_tcp' not found!
Marc Powell
- bypass authorization?
Marc Powell
- check_radius
Marc Powell
- Status Map error
Marc Powell
- Wierd logo/icon issues
Marc Powell
- Nagios passive check not changing alert condition
Marc Powell
- nagios 1.1 statusmap.cgi internal server error
Marc Powell
- Escalations / 15 minute wait on notifications
Marc Powell
- check_http & proxy
Marc Powell
- doubt - nagios reports with mysql support
Marc Powell
- Non-Email notifications...
Marc Powell
- Nagios with high server count, how to organize
Marc Powell
- RE: [Nagios-users] Re: [Nagios-users] Problems with the script alias, no access to gifs png`s and css because always pointing my browser to non existing for example /nagios/cgi-bin/nagios/images/tacenabled.png
Marc Powell
- nagios does not siplays all hosts
Marc Powell
- 100% Undetermined time
Marc Powell
- 100% Undetermined time
Marc Powell
- 100% Undetermined time
Marc Powell
Marc Powell
- monitor a hostless service
Marc Powell
- SMS notifications
Marc Powell
- plugin installation on remote host
Marc Powell
- Nagios installation
Marc Powell
- how to use check_by_ssh
Marc Powell
- Host State Breakdowns
Marc Powell
- Contact Information
Marc Powell
- CGI's Won't Work - Output is garbage
Marc Powell
- New hosts and services not visible in web interface - Again? Unfortenately yes
Marc Powell
- Nagios with MySql
Marc Powell
- Loggin Failure: "logged as ?"
Marc Powell
- Loggin Failure: "logged as ?"
Marc Powell
- Database schema?
Marc Powell
- Disk Usage and excluding file systems
Patrick Proy
- Delayed notifications
Patrick Proy
- checking services with check_nt
Chris Purcell
- checking services with check_nt
Chris Purcell
- check-host-alive returns /bin/ping -n -U -c 1
Thomas Quinlan
- check-host-alive returns /bin/ping -n -U -c 1
Thomas Quinlan
- Large Distributed Nagios w/ NSCA
Radcliffe, Jerome (ISS Southfield)
- Remotely checking disk space
Marco Ramos
- 100% Undetermined time
Marco Ramos
- Delayed notifications
Marco Ramos
- mawg in cvs
Douglas K. Rand
- Nagios MRTG Mysql database
Randal, Phil
- Possible problem with notifications in Nagios 1.2
Kurt Raschke
- Possible problem with notifications in Nagios 1.2
Kurt Raschke
- freshness check on passive service fails
Antoine Reid
- freshness check on passive service fails
Antoine Reid
- building solaris package using mkpackage
Jesse Reynolds
- monitor a hostless service
Jared Rhine
- Monitoring Windows Event Log from Nagios
John P. Rouillard
- Viewing service detail of just one service?
John P. Rouillard
- Status Map error
Roy, Patrick
- problem with web interface
- problem with web interface
- problem with web interface
- problem with web interface
- problem with web interface
- problem with web interface
- 100% Undetermined time
Francesco De Santolo
- 100% Undetermined time
Francesco De Santolo
- 100% Undetermined time
Francesco De Santolo
- 100% Undetermined time
Francesco De Santolo
- 100% Undetermined time
Francesco De Santolo
- 100% Undetermined time
Francesco De Santolo
- 100% Undetermined time
Francesco De Santolo
- Server load problem
Francesco De Santolo
- What I'm I doing wrong here?
Francesco De Santolo
- What I'm I doing wrong here?
Francesco De Santolo
- AW: Monitoring Windows Event Log from Nagios
Schaffranneck, Sven (K-DOI-5/4)
- AW: Hosts disappearing from Host Details screen
Schaffranneck, Sven (K-DOI-5/4)
- Availability comparison of Win$ and Unix/Linux hosts [OT ?]
Thomas Schimpke
- CVS access
Thomas Schimpke
- Host Check 'check_tcp' not found!
Russell Scibetti
- Change "default" page?
- autologin?
- nrpe problems
- Re: [Nagios-users] Problems with the script alias, no access to gifs png`s and css because always pointing my browser to non existing for example /nagios/cgi-bin/nagios/images/tacenabled.png
- Re: [Nagios-users] Re: [Nagios-users] Problems with the script alias, no access to gifs png`s and css because always pointing my browser to non existing for example /nagios/cgi-bin/nagios/images/tacenabled.png
- Parent looping
- Server load problem
- nrpe - ssl handshake?
Shane Selman
- URL's Getting Eaten by Nagios 1.1
Brian E. Seppanen
- URL's Getting Eaten by Nagios 1.1
Brian E. Seppanen
- alerts not been sent
K Shantanu
- Monitoring Windows Event Log from Nagios
Steve Shipway
- Multiple host parents?
Steve Shipway
- HA Nagios system
Steve Shipway
- Redhat 3.0 Nagios 1.2 check_nagios problem
Michael Smith
- (no subject)
Swati Srivastava
- nagios does not siplays all hosts
Swati Srivastava
- problem in configuring check_procs
Swati Srivastava
- check_procs not functioning well
Swati Srivastava
- plugin installation on remote host
Swati Srivastava
- how to use check_by_ssh
Swati Srivastava
- Nagios monitoring of Netbotz device
Jim Stasik
- autologin?
John Stotler
- autologin?
John Stotler
- bypass authorization?
John Stotler
- MySQL and Nagios (Newbie Here)
Paul Strange
- MySQL and Nagios (Newbie Here)
Paul Strange
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Dan Stromberg
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Dan Stromberg
- Nagios Issues "ConnectData Failed"
Marco Supino
- Nagios Issues "ConnectData Failed"
Marco Supino
- extended service info
Marco Supino
- Monitoring SAN boxes
Serveur-Faucon Surveillance
- Rép. : Re: [Nagios-users] Nagat vs. Nagmin
Serveur-Faucon Surveillance
- Page Cannot Be Displayed Error After Enabling CGI/Authentication
- Getting an intermittent permissions problem
Rob Tanner
- SOLVED Re: Getting an intermittent permissions problem
Rob Tanner
- Nagios Issues "ConnectData Failed"
Lendra Tanujaya
- Nagios Issues "ConnectData Failed"
Lendra Tanujaya
- check_traffic plugins with RRD Tool
Lendra Tanujaya
- Question about dependency setup
Dave Thomas
- libraries for debian woody 3.0r1 installation
Bill Thompson
- libraries for debian woody 3.0r1 installation
Bill Thompson
- Delayed notifications
Diego Tironi
- Has anyone looked into the product by before?
Jason Truong
- Has anyone looked into the product by before?
Jason Truong
- check_by_ssh
- Time based rather than contact based notifications
- checking Windows local services
- syslog quirk
Greg Vickers
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Voon, Ton
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Voon, Ton
- Is bogus packet-loss really a problem?
Keith Weinberg
- Calculating Bandwidth with snmp on cisco router
Wheeler, MG
- quick question about check_nt plugin
Wheeler, MG
- False positives after the Parent host recovered
Wheeler, MG
- check_traffic plugins with RRD Tool
Wheeler, MG
- Has anyone looked into the product by www.hype before?
Wheeler, MG
- How often is the downtime.log processed?
Wilhelm, John
- downtime.log format
Wilhelm, John
- CentOS
Chris Wilson
- Calculating Bandwidth with snmp on cisco router
Matthew Wilson
- Checks are orphaned...
- NRPE SSL authentication
- check different time in Windows ?
Andrzej Wisniewski
- hostgroup.cfg file
Fredrik Wänglund
- Strange loss of status in reports
Fredrik Wänglund
- temptrax
De Souza Zaineb
- False positives after the Parent host recovered
ling Zhang
- False positives after the Parent host recovered
ling Zhang
- False positives after the Parent host recovered
ling Zhang
- Nagios changing group ownership of /var/log/nagios/rw
nkartsioukas-nagioslist at
- High check latency with nagios
marino.simons at
- High check latency with nagios
marino.simons at
- connection refused by host
yu-ting_liu at
- how to update from 1.1 to 1.2
markus auchmann
- nagios 1.1 statusmap.cgi internal server error
markus auchmann
- Nagios on OS X?
- Nagios scheduling queue seems to be lagging behind real time
tom.welsh at
- Nagios scheduling queue seems to be laggingbehind real time
tom.welsh at
- Check_procs question
wim.degeeter at
- Historical data
Paul.Fiero at
- check_radius
Paul.Fiero at
- A question for all
Paul.Fiero at
- Juliet Tree/ASHFORD/UK/COTY is out of the office.
Juliet_Tree at
- Problems with the script alias, no access to gifs png`s and css because always pointing my browser to non existing for example /nagios/cgi-bin/nagios/images/tacenabled.png
christian.michlbauer at
- Antwort: Re: [Nagios-users] Problems with the script alias, no access to gifs png`s and css because always pointing my browser to non existing for example /nagios/cgi-bin/nagios/images/tacenabled.png
christian.michlbauer at
- Antwort: Re: Re: [Nagios-users] Problems with the script alias, no access to gifs png`s and css because always pointing my browser to non existing for example /nagios/cgi-bin/nagios/images/tacenabled.png
christian.michlbauer at
- Strange logging problem
- Strange logging problem
- Strange logging problem
- Nagios on OS X?
- Antwort: RE: Cisco router SNMP TRAPs - snmptrapd script ver ification
h.baecker at
- quick question about check_nt plugin
support at
- Cisco router SNMP TRAPs - snmptrapd script verification
jan gregor
- freshness check on passive service fails
jan gregor
- extended information
dave-nagios at
- "(Has been acknowledged)" message won't go away
dave-nagios at
- Status map
dave-nagios at
- alerts not been sent
dave-nagios at
- NRPE Daemon not running
dave-nagios at
- alerts not been sent
dave-nagios at
- Watching Exchange Private store
dave-nagios at
- SIP Server Monitoring Plugin
Paul.Wasik at
- NRPE Daemon not running
anil kamath
- help related to samba
anil kamath
- help related to check_disk on another host on the same network
anil kamath
- AW: configuration help on remote hosts
anil kamath
- AW: configuration help on remote hosts
anil kamath
- AW: AW: configuration help on remote hosts
anil kamath
- Help on status map .
anil kamath
anil kamath
- check_procs not functioning well
anil kamath
- check_procs not functioning well
anil kamath
- Newbie host/server issue
orh at
- external command problems]]
den man
- NRPE problems
- Emmanuel Ricros is out of the office
emmanuel.ricros at
- Missing CGIs
TFasko at
- Tool for centralised deployment of NRPE configs
jhmartin at
- Check service utilization
bcotta at
- Check_oracle db and tns
bcotta at
- Problem of date in the status tables of NagMin Re: [Nagios-users] Use of Nagmin and nagios tables
carole verdon
- PB with arguments of check_disk used with check_nrpe
carole verdon
- Question about comments
carole verdon
- Disk Usage and excluding file systems
carole verdon
- AW: configuration help on remote hosts
carole verdon
- Use of "-e" option of check_disk
carole verdon
- statusmap.cgi
- statusmap.cgi
- nagios and postgres
- A question for all
jeff vier
- revised nagios rc script to fix multiple instance problem
jeff vier
- Nagios with high server count, how to organize
jeff vier
- Minimum arguments not supplied! problem
jeff vier
- CVS access
jeff vier
- Hosts disappearing from Host Details screen
jeff vier
- Nagios installation
Ed.StJohn at
- hostgroup.cfg file
Ed.StJohn at
- NS Client issue
sunilshriram.borkhedkar at
- High check latency with nagios
mshirley at
- Compiling with gd issues (some hints)
mshirley at
- Has anyone looked into the product by before?
mshirley at
- Integrate with trouble ticket system?
mshirley at
- statusmap.cgi
mshirley at
- statusmap.cgi
mshirley at
- Plugin to simulate a user login?
mshirley at
- check_radius
emily zhou
Last message date:
Mon May 31 22:28:52 CEST 2004
Archived on: Thu Aug 30 13:44:50 CEST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).