doubt - nagios reports with mysql support

Marc Powell marc at
Thu May 13 21:54:46 CEST 2004


From: Marcos & Marcelo [mailto:gemeosdf at] 
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 2:35 PM
To: nagios_list
Subject: [Nagios-users] doubt - nagios reports with mysql support

Hi Folks,
   I installed nagios with mysql support, and I noticed some strange
things like:
1) when I'm going to make some reports with graphs, nagios get the
information from the file nagios.log. Is it normal? Why nagios doesn't
use mysql tables in order to make reports?

<marc> Yes, it's normal. Nagios only uses the database to store current
information, not historical. It doesn't store historical data because it
wasn't designed to do so.
2) I noticed that nagios keeps data in some tables, after nagios service
stops, like hostretention, serviceretention and programretention. So,
What is the function of those tables, If nagios doesn't use those to
make reports? 

<marc> It allows nagios to start up with the last known states for host
and services.

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