August 2005 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Aug 1 08:18:56 CEST 2005
Ending: Wed Aug 31 22:20:13 CEST 2005
Messages: 795
- $HOSTNAME$ in commands? (Was: Re: Monitoring a matrix of load-balanced VirtualHosts?)
JB Segal
- $HOSTNAME$ in commands? (Was: Re: Monitoring a matrix of load-balanced VirtualHosts?)
Chris Wilson
- $HOSTNAME$ in commands? (Was: Re: Monitoring a matrix of load-balanced VirtualHosts?)
Andreas Ericsson
- 1 webserver with multiple web sites
- 1 webserver with multiple web sites
Rituraj Buddhisagar
- 1 webserver with multiple web sites
Moshe Sharon
- 1 webserver with multiple web sites
Roy Kidder
- 404 Not Found
Tyler Woods
- 404 Not Found
Marc Powell
- 404 Not Found
Tyler Woods
- 404 Not Found
Marc Powell
- 404 Not Found
Lee Ball
- @sysconfdir@/cgi.cfg - Installation setup problem
Elizar M. Palad
- @sysconfdir@/cgi.cfg - Installation setup problem
Subhendu Ghosh
- @sysconfdir@/cgi.cfg - Installation setup problem
Elizar M. Palad
- @sysconfdir@/cgi.cfg - Installation setup problem
Subhendu Ghosh
- @sysconfdir@/cgi.cfg - Installation setup problem
Elizar M. Palad
- @sysconfdir@/cgi.cfg - Installation setup problem
Elizar M. Palad
- @sysconfdir@/cgi.cfg - Installation setup problem
Subhendu Ghosh
- @sysconfdir@/cgi.cfg - Installation setup problem
Elizar M. Palad
- @sysconfdir@/cgi.cfg - Installation setup problem
Subhendu Ghosh
- @sysconfdir@/cgi.cfg - Installation setup problem
Andreas Ericsson
- [CGI] service acknowledgement
Emmanuel Roux
- [Fwd: RE: No service notifications]
Kevin Hanser
- [Nagios-users] regexp match problem
Andreas Unterkircher
- [Nagios-users] regexp match problem
Andreas Ericsson
- Re: [Nagios-users] unknown variable :- for inter_check_delay_methods and log_passive_service_checks in nagios.cfg
John Joseph
- Re: [Nagios-users] unknown variable :- for “inter_check_delay_methods and log_passive_service_checks” in nagios.cfg
Andreas Ericsson
- [Nagios-users] Use of check_by_ssh
Frederik Vanhee
- [Nagios-users] Use of check_by_ssh
Ralph.Grothe-YpEHkxAi6oMehzHBf2RrnA at
- [Nagiosplug-devel] Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios 3.0,natively windows codes,support mysql,support agentless monitor , new web interface,more,Greatly
Ton Voon
- [Nagiosplug-help] How must I define this in checkcommands.cfg and services.cfg?
Ralph.Grothe at
- [Nagiosplug-help] How must I define this in checkcommands.cfg and services.cfg?
Lori Adams
- [Nagiosplug-help] How to interpret CRC32 errors?
Ralph.Grothe at
- [Nagiosplug-help] How to interpret CRC32 e rrors?
Ralph.Grothe at
- [Nagiosplug-help] How to interpret CRC32 errors?
Andreas Ericsson
- [Nagiosplug-help] How to interpret CRC32 e rrors?
Andreas Ericsson
- [Nagiosplug-help] How to interpret CRC32 errors?
Bill Jacqmein
- [Nagiosplug-help] How to interpret CRC32 errors?
HP Geeza
- [Nagiosplug-help] How to interpret CRC32 errors?
Ralph.Grothe at
- [Nagiosplug-help] How to interpret CRC32 errors?
HP Geeza
- [Nagiosplug-help] Usage of check_log
Ralph.Grothe at
- [RLAdams at Re: NCSA for AIX]
Adams, Russell L.
- [SPAM (HDCHCK)] - RE: Nagios 'could not connect' to MySQL database - Email found in subject
Richard.Luys at
- [SPAM (HDCHCK)] - RE: Nagios 'could not connect' to MySQL database - Email found in subject
Andreas Ericsson
- Acknowledgement question
Roy, Patrick
- Acknowledgement question
Roy, Patrick
- acknowledgements to epager ?
aloclarit at
- acknowledgements to epager ?
Andre Bergei
- acknowledgements to epager ?
aloclarit at
- Adding Nagios info to custom web pages
Wiedemann, Luis
- Adding Nagios info to custom web pages
Ben Conrad
- Additional Info in Acknowledgement Emails
- Additional Info in Acknowledgement Emails
Marc Powell
- Alerts
John Duraiswamy
- Alerts
Andreas Ericsson
- Alerts
John Duraiswamy
- Another nrpe/bat question
Naumann Folker
- Antwort: log errors in nagios.log
srunschke at
- Antwort: log errors in nagios.log
Harry de Grote
- Antwort: R: MIBs not found
srunschke at
- Antwort: RE: mail address for notifications
srunschke at
- Antwort: RE: mail address for notifications
Anton Krall
- Antwort: Two contacts using the same HTTP auth?
srunschke at
- Building Hostgroups using Host Config Files
Todd Barbera
- Building Hostgroups using Host Config Files
Marc Powell
- Building Hostgroups using Host Config Files
Todd Barbera
- Central Nagios Management Solution
schönfeld / in-medias-res
- CGI Permissions What files do these read?
Albert Whale
- CGI Permissions What files do these read?
Albert Whale
- Change of display of status on hard change only.
- Change of display of status on hard change only.
Andre Bergei
- check_by_ssh + cpu usage + Threads + paging etc.
Rajesh kanna
- check_by_ssh + cpu usage + Threads + paging etc.
Marc Powell
- check_by_ssh - Usage
Tom Brown
- check_by_ssh banner bug?
Aaron Carr
- check_by_ssh banner bug?
Millard, Matt
- check_by_ssh documentation
Alan Maxwell
- check_cpu
Chris Stankaitis
- check_cpu
Chris Stankaitis
- check_cpu
Frank, Jason
- check_dns plugin failures
Dave Augustus
- check_dns plugin failures
Marc Powell
- check_dns plugin failures
Dave Augustus
- check_dns plugin failures
Marc Powell
- problem fixed
David Gentry
- check_email_loop problem
David Gentry
- check_email_loop problem
Marc Powell
- check_http plugin does not add :<port> in Host: header
Harry Metske
- check_http plugin does not add :<port> in Host: header
Subhendu Ghosh
- check_http plugin does not add :<port> in Host: header
- check_http plugin does not add :<port> in Host: header
Harry Metske
- check_icmp behavior
Horvath Tamas
- check_icmp behavior
Andreas Ericsson
- check_log deficiencies
Ralph.Grothe at
- check_log deficiencies
Ralph.Grothe at
- check_mailq problem----permission denied
Johnny Stork
- check_mailq problem----permission denied
Marc Powell
- check_mailq problem----permission denied
Pete Dewell
- check_mailq problem----permission denied
Johnny Stork
- check_mailq problem----permission denied
Chester R. Hosey
- check_nsca
Ralph.Grothe at
- check_nt - COUNTER
EXT-Fuentes, James P
- check_nt - COUNTER
Anthony Montibello
- check_nt - COUNTER
EXT-Fuentes, James P
- check_nt - COUNTER
- check_nt configuration
dan dang
- check_nt configuration
Lori Adams
- check_nt configuration
- check_nt configurations/setup
Bobby Bradshaw
- check_nt configurations/setup
Bobby Bradshaw
- check_nt configurations/setup
Petrucci, Joseph
- check_nt configurations/setup
Bobby Bradshaw
- check_nt configurations/setup
Bobby Bradshaw
- check_nt configurations/setup
Andreas Ericsson
- check_nt configurations/setup
Petrucci, Joseph
- check_nt configurations/setup
Bobby Bradshaw
- check_nt configurations/setup
Petrucci, Joseph
- check_nt configurations/setup
Bobby Bradshaw
- check_nt configurations/setup
Petrucci, Joseph
- check_nt configurations/setup
Dan Dycus
- check_nt configurations/setup
Bobby Bradshaw
- check_smtp send message
David Gentry
- check_smtp send message
Marc Powell
- check_smtp send message
Subhendu Ghosh
- check_snmp not obeying warning/critical limits
Goltz, Jim (NIH/NLM/LHC) [C]
- Checking disk space and graphing
Dennis Hopp
- Checking of multicasts
Joop Jansen
- Checking of multicasts
Mascardo, Erwin
- Checking status of notifications...
John McComb
- Checking status of notifications...
Subhendu Ghosh
- Checking status of notifications...
Subhendu Ghosh
- Checking Tomcat 5.5 with the check_http plugin
Dixie Peterson
- Check remote MS service status
Roy Kidder
- Check remote MS service status
Marc Powell
- Check remote MS service status
Patrick Proy
- Check remote MS service status
Moshe Sharon
- circular ballon status map quesition
Marc DeTrano
- circular ballon status map quesition
EXT-Fuentes, James P
- circular ballon status map quesition
Marc DeTrano
- circular ballon status map quesition
EXT-Fuentes, James P
- circular ballon status map quesition
Andrew Cruse
- circular ballon status map quesition
Marc DeTrano
- Clusters Of Services: Notification
Götz Rieger
- Clusters Of Services: Notification
Chris Wilson
- AW: Clusters Of Services: Notification
Götz Rieger
- cmd/bat file help plz...running it via check_nrpe
HP Geeza
- cmd/bat file help plz...running it via check_nrpe
Chris Wilson
- cmd/bat file help plz...running it viacheck_nrpe
HP Geeza
- cmd/bat file help plz...running it viacheck_nrpe
Chris Wilson
- cmd/bat file help plz...running it via check_nrpe
Lori Adams
- combine multiple hosts in web interface?
Kurt Yoder
- combine multiple hosts in web interface?
EXT-Fuentes, James P
- combine multiple hosts in web interface?
Kurt Yoder
- combine multiple hosts in web interface?
EXT-Fuentes, James P
- Command Buffer
Ruiz, Francisco
- Command Buffer
Andreas Ericsson
- Command Buffer
Ruiz, Francisco
- Contact Group in Nagios1.X and Nagios 2.x
Li Qiang
- Contact Group in Nagios1.X and Nagios 2.x
Marc Powell
- Contact Group in Nagios1.X and Nagios 2.x
John Joseph
- Contacts/Contact Groups/Paging options
Aaron Carr
- Contacts/Contact Groups/Paging options
Subhendu Ghosh
- Contacts/Contact Groups/Paging options
Marc Powell
- Contacts/Contact Groups/Paging options
- contacts question
Roy Kidder
- contacts question
Andreas Ericsson
- correct notify definition to allow for check_nt_disk output to not be blanked.
Rodney Caston
- correct notify definition to allow for check_nt_disk output to not be blanked.
Marc Powell
- correct notify definition to allow for check_nt_disk output to not be blanked.
Rodney Caston
- Custom return address?
Alan Maxwell
- Custom return address?
Subhendu Ghosh
- Data extraction from Nagios logs...
Francois Meehan
- Data extraction from Nagios logs...
Tom Brown
- DHCP client configuration
"Clément Varaldi (ML)"
- DHCP client configuration
Chris Wilson
- DHCP client configuration
Sumit Malhotra
- Disable pager alerts for Acknowledgements ?
Michael J McCafferty
- Disable pager alerts for Acknowledgements ?
Chris Wilson
- Disable pager alerts for Acknowledgements ?
Andreas Ericsson
- Disable pager alerts for Acknowledgements ?
Michael J McCafferty
- Disable pager alerts for Acknowledgements ?
Chester R. Hosey
- documentation error
Rik Bobbaers
- Do someone know where can I find out the resources need by nagios
jotando at
- Downtime
Johan Barelds
- Downtime
Andreas Ericsson
- Downtime
mailings at
- Downtime
Andreas Ericsson
- Downtime
Johan Barelds
- Downtime
Lori Adams
- Duration field feature/bug?
Bryan Loniewski
- Duration field feature/bug?
Marc Powell
- E-mail Reports
David Gentry
- email config rant (warned)
Subhendu Ghosh
- email notice floods
Jason Woodson
- email notice floods
Chris Wilson
- email notice floods
Marc Powell
- email notice floods
Jason Woodson
- email notice floods
Chester R. Hosey
- email notice floods
Chris Wilson
- email notice floods
Marc Powell
- email notice floods
Jason Woodson
- email notice floods
Chris Wilson
- email notice floods
Marc Powell
- email notice floods
Terry L. Inzauro
- email notice floods
Scott Sugar
- email notifications not being kicked off.
Jesse Driskill
- email notifications not being kicked off.
Edward Ford
- email notifications not being kicked off.
Matt Juszczak
- email notifications not being kicked off.
Jesse Driskill
- email notifications not being kicked off.
Marc Powell
- email notifications not being kicked off.
Jesse Driskill
- email notifications not being kicked off.
Scott Sugar
- Error: Command 'check-host-alive' has already been defined
Nagios User
- Error: Command 'check-host-alive' has already been defined
Lori Adams
- Error: Could not read host and service status information
James R. Marcus
- Error: Could not read host and service status information
Lori Adams
- Error: Could not read host and service status information
James R. Marcus
- Error: Could not read host and service status information
Marc Powell
- Error: Could not read host and service status information
James R. Marcus
- Error: Could not read host and service status information
Marc Powell
- Error: Could not read host and service status information
James R. Marcus
- Error: Could not read program retention data from table programretention
- Error: Could not read program retention data from table programretention
Subhendu Ghosh
- Error: Could not read program retention data from table programretention
- Error: Could not read program retention data from table programretention
Marc Powell
- Error: Could not read program retention data from table programretention
Subhendu Ghosh
- error code 127 after each server reload
- error code 127 after each server reload
Subhendu Ghosh
- error code 127 after each server reload
Marc Powell
- error code 127 after each server reload
- error code 127 after each server reload
Marc Powell
- error code 127 after each server reload
Lori Adams
- error code 127 after each server reload (FIXED)
- Exclude doesn't seem to work?
Simon I. Tetelbaum
- Exclude doesn't seem to work?
Andreas Ericsson
- external commands audit trail
Marc Martinez
- False alarms
Petrucci, Joseph
- False alarms
Marc Powell
- False Negatives
David Johnson
- False Negatives
Hosey, Chester
- False Negatives
David Johnson
- False Negatives
David Johnson
- False Negatives
Marc Powell
- False Negatives
David Johnson
- Firewalled hosts
Bill Stevenson
- Firewalled hosts
Tedman Eng
- Flagging alerts and notifications as urgent
Chris Smith
- Flagging alerts and notifications as urgent
Chester R. Hosey
- Flap detection ignored
Jamie Baddeley
- fork() error
aloclarit at
- From where Oreon get info to generate nagios.cfg
John Joseph
- From where Oreon get info to generate nagios.cfg
John Joseph
- Google Maps?
Dustin Wish with INDCo Networks
- Google Maps?
Moshe Sharon
- Google Maps?
John Joseph
- Got error message while using nrpe to check the disk space on the remote host
Chris Guo
- Got error message while using nrpe to check the disk space on the remote host
Marc Powell
- Got error message while using nrpe to check the disk space on the remote host
Chris Guo
- Got error message while using nrpe to check the disk space on the remote host
Marc Powell
- GroundWork Monitor Architect
Danny Russell
- GroundWork Monitor Architect
Scott Sugar
- H323 Plugin
Andrea Gabellini
- Help Desk Software
nuffers at
- Help Desk Software
Bobby Bradshaw
- Help Desk Software
Millard, Matt
- Help regarding "libexec" required
David Gentry
- Help regarding "libexec" required
Marc Powell
- Host check behavior
Horvath Tamas
- Host check behavior
Marc Powell
- Host check behavior
Horvath Tamas
- Host check behavior
Marc Powell
- Hour problem under Nagios
dan dang
- Hour problem under Nagios
Andreas Ericsson
- How must I define this in checkcommands.cfg and services.cfg?
Ralph.Grothe at
- How must I define this in checkcommands.cfg and services.cfg?
Ben O'Hara
- How must I define this in checkcommands.cfg and services.cfg?
Ben O'Hara
- How must I define this in checkcommands.cfg and services.cfg?
Moshe Sharon
- How must I define this in g and services.cfg?
Ralph.Grothe at
- How must I define this in checkcommands.cfg and services.cfg?
Ralph.Grothe-YpEHkxAi6oMehzHBf2RrnA at
- how parallel are host checks? (after service check fails)
Juhani Tali
- how parallel are host checks? (after service check fails)
Chester R. Hosey
- how parallel are host checks? (after service check fails)
Marc Powell
- how parallel are host checks? (after service check fails)
Andreas Ericsson
- how parallel are host checks? (after service check fails)
Juhani Tali
- how tochange policy of SELinux for runnig CGI scripts !
hamideh daliri
- How to check traffic through WMI
jotando at
- How to check traffic through WMI
Andre Bergei
- how to clean nagios tar file good
jotando at
- how to clean nagios tar file good
Marc Powell
- how to compile check_nt.c
dan dang
- how to compile check_nt.c
Andreas Ericsson
- how to compile check_nt.c
- how to compile check_nt.c
Anthony Montibello
- how to detect multiple nagios daemons (with plugins) ?
- how to detect multiple nagios daemons (with plugins) ?
Chris Wilson
- How to interpret CRC32 errors?
Ralph.Grothe-YpEHkxAi6oMehzHBf2RrnA at
- How to interpret CRC32 errors?
Curt Shaffer
- How to interpret CRC32 errors?
Ralph.Grothe-YpEHkxAi6oMehzHBf2RrnA at
- How to interpret CRC32 errors?
Andreas Ericsson
- How to interpret CRC32 errors?
Subhendu Ghosh
- How to link several checks to one service?
Ralph.Grothe at
- How to load MIBs for a cisco?
Marco Borsani
- How to load MIBs for a cisco?
Subhendu Ghosh
- Howto make Nagios send notifications if just output of plugin changes
Mikko Kaipila
- Howto make Nagios send notifications if just output of plugin changes
Marc Powell
- Howto make Nagios send notifications if just output of plugin changes
Mikko Kaipila
- Howto make Nagios send notifications if just output of plugin changes
Andreas Ericsson
- Howto make Nagios send notifications if just output of plugin changes
Jason Martin
- Howto make Nagios send notifications if just output of plugin changes
Mikko Kaipila
- Howto make Nagios send notifications if justoutput of plugin changes
Marc Powell
- Howto make Nagios send notifications if just output of plugin changes
Lee Ball
- How to reduce Host Check rate ?
Martin Haller
- How to reduce Host Check rate ?
Greg Vickers
- How to run nrpe daemon ?
Chris Guo
- How to run nrpe daemon ?
Marc Powell
- How to run nrpe daemon ?
Ralph.Grothe at
- how to wrap long lines in config?
prosolutions at
- how to wrap long lines in config?
Marc Powell
- how to wrap long lines in config?
Tedman Eng
- how to wrap long lines in config?
Tedman Eng
- how to wrap long lines in config?
Ralph.Grothe at
- how to wrap long lines in config?
Marc Powell
- http port problem
Chandresh Suthar
- http port problem
Lori Adams
- http port problem
Chandresh Suthar
- http port problem
Subhendu Ghosh
- http port problem
Subhendu Ghosh
- http port problem
Marc Powell
- http port problem
Chandresh Suthar
- http port problem
Marc Powell
- http port problem
- http port problem
Subhendu Ghosh
- http port problem
schönfeld / in-medias-res
- Ignoring a particular alarm (on purpose)?
jeff vier
- Ignoring a particular alarm (on purpose)?
jeff vier
- Integration with a ticketing system (HEAT)
Brett Carr
- Internet Detection
Miles Scruggs
- Internet Detection
Andreas Ericsson
- Internet Detection
Miles Scruggs
- Internet Detection
Chester R. Hosey
- Internet Detection
Todd Barbera
- Internet Detection
Miles Scruggs
- Internet Detection
Miles Scruggs
- Internet Detection
Miles Scruggs
- Internet Detection
Marc Powell
- Internet Detection
Fernando Lima
- Internet Detection
Miles Scruggs
- Invitation to Nagios BoF at Linux World
John Mark Walker
- It appears as though you do not have permission to view information for any of the hosts you requested...
Matthew Nelson
- It appears as though you do not have permission to view information for any of the hosts you requested...
Brian Smith
- It appears as though you do not have permission to view information for any of the hosts you requested...
Matthew Nelson
- last update & last check !
hamideh daliri
- last update & last check !
Andre Bergei
- LinuxExpo, anyone there?
Taylor Dondich
- LinuxExpo, anyone there?
Jonathan Nichols
- LinuxExpo, anyone there?
Taylor Dondich
- LinuxExpo, anyone there?
Jeremy T. Bouse
- LinuxExpo, anyone there?
Marc Powell
- log errors in nagios.log
Harry de Grote
- log file
Christophe Mailhebuau
- log file
Marc Powell
- mail address for notifications
Anton Krall
- mail address for notifications
Lee Ball
- mail address for notifications
Anton Krall
- mail address for notifications
Subhendu Ghosh
- mail address for notifications
Anton Krall
- Memory leak in 2.0b4
misc at
- Memory leak in 2.0b4
Andreas Ericsson
- MIBs not found
Marco Borsani
- MIBs not found
HP Geeza
- MIBs not found
Subhendu Ghosh
- MIBs not found
Patrick Proy
- Missing "su" in /etc/init.d/nagios
Morten Guldager
- missing var/objects.cache
naguser at
- missing var/objects.cache
Marc Powell
- missing var/objects.cache
naguser at
- Monitoring a matrix of load-balanced VirtualHosts?
JB Segal
- Monitoring a matrix of load-balanced VirtualHosts?
Marc Powell
- Monitoring a matrix of load-balanced VirtualHosts?
JB Segal
- Monitoring a matrix of load-balanced VirtualHosts?
Andreas Ericsson
- Monitoring a matrix of load-balanced VirtualHosts?
Chris Wilson
- Monitoring a matrix of load-balanced VirtualHosts?
JB Segal
- Monitoring a matrix of load-balanced VirtualHosts?
Chris Wilson
- more - remote nagios server report to main
Peder Christian Bach
- more - remote nagios server report to main
Marc Powell
- more - remote nagios server report to main
Marc Powell
- Motorola Canopy nagios snmp plugin
prashanth ganapathy
- Motorola Canopy nagios snmp plugin
Patrick Proy
- Multiple Nagios instances on one server
Scott Greenman
- Multiple Nagios instances on one server
Marc Powell
- Multiple Nagios instances on one server
Marc Powell
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Chris Wilson
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Andreas Ericsson
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Chris Wilson
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Andreas Ericsson
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Chris Wilson
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Brian Murphy
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Andreas Ericsson
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Brian Murphy
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Andreas Ericsson
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Brian Murphy
- Multiple Nagios proccesses running.
Andreas Ericsson
- Multiple orphaned nagios processes
Brian Murphy
- mysql user nagiosadmin not found error !
hamideh daliri
- mysql user nagiosadmin not found error !
Marc Powell
- Nagat like interface for 2.0 beta?
Jeffry Bilder
- AW: Nagat like interface for 2.0 beta?
Götz Rieger
- Nagat like interface for 2.0 beta?
Ben Conrad
- Nagat like interface for 2.0 beta?
Toby Kraft
- AW: Nagat like interface for 2.0 beta?
Götz Rieger
- nagat warning
Robin Ross
- Nagios 'could not connect' to MySQL database
Richard.Luys at
- Nagios 'could not connect' to MySQL database
Werner Flamme
- Nagios 'could not connect' to MySQL database
Richard.Luys at
- Nagios 'could not connect' to MySQL database
Werner Flamme
- Nagios 'could not connect' to MySQL database
Richard.Luys at
- Nagios 'could not connect' to MySQL database
Dan Hopkins
- Nagios 'could not connect' to MySQL database
Dan Hopkins
- Nagios + Oreon , Guidance Needed
John Joseph
- Nagios -s latency
Rusty Hall
- Nagios -s latency
Marc Powell
- Nagios-users digest, Vol 1 #2754 - 16 msgs
Arif Snort
- Nagios-users digest, Vol 1 #2774 - 11 msgs
Ravi Kumar
- Nagios-users digest, Vol 1 #2774 - 11 msgs
Marc Powell
- nagios 2.04 permission denied
Ulf N
- nagios 2.04 permission denied
Marc Powell
- Nagios 2.0b1 serviceextinfo notes_url ignored
mike feldman
- Nagios 2.0b4 install on OpenBSD 3.7
David Elze
- Nagios 2.0b4 wont use hostextinfo.cfg
Daniel Tuecks
- Nagios 2.0b4 wont use hostextinfo.cfg
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios 3.0,natively windows codes,support mysql,support agentless monitor , new web interface,more,Greatly
wen wu
- Nagios 3.0,natively windows codes,support mysql,support agentless monitor , new web interface,more,Greatly
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios 3.0,natively windows codes,support mysql,support agentless monitor , new web interface,more,Greatly
John Joseph
- Nagios 3.0,natively windows codes,support mysql,support agentless monitor , new web interface,more,Greatly
wen wu
- Nagios 3.0,natively windows codes,support mysql,support agentless monitor , new web interface,more,Greatly
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios 3.0,natively windows codes,support mysql,support agentless monitor , new web interface,more,Greatly
Ravail David
- nagios and sendmail log entries (did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN)
Marcus Sobchak
- nagios and sendmail log entries (did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN)
Andreas Ericsson
- nagios and sendmail log entries (did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN)
Marc Powell
- nagios and sendmail log entries (did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN)
Marc Powell
- nagios and sendmail log entries (did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN)
Marcus Sobchak
- nagios and sendmail log entries (did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN)
Marc Powell
- nagios and sendmail log entries (did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN)
Marcus Sobchak
- nagios and sendmail log entries (did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN)
Paul L. Allen
- nagios and sendmail log entries (did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN)
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios CGIs
Lee Ball
- Nagios CGIs
Lee Ball
- Nagios CGIs
Marc Powell
- Nagios daemon (release 2.0b3) not catching signals as I would exp ect
Ralph.Grothe at
- Nagios daemon (release 2.0b3) not catching signals as I would exp ect
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios daemon (release 2.0b3) not catching sig nals as I would exp ect
Ralph.Grothe at
- Nagios daemon (release 2.0b3) not catching signals as I would exp ect
Mike Meredith
- Nagios daemon (release 2.0b3) not catching signals as I would exp ect
Mike Meredith
- nagios displaying jpg icons for host?
HP Geeza
- nagios displaying jpg icons for host?
Marc Powell
- nagios displaying jpg icons for host?
HP Geeza
- nagios email settings
HP Geeza
- nagios email settings
Edward Ford
- nagios email settings
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios Macro Tokens accessible in NRPE check scripts?
Ralph.Grothe at
- Nagios Macro Tokens accessible in NRPE check s cripts?
Ralph.Grothe at
- Nagios Macro Tokens accessible in NRPE check s cripts?
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios monitoring Novell netware servers?
Lance Haig
- Nagios monitoring Novell netware servers?
Marc Powell
- Nagios monitoring Novell netware servers?
Lance Haig
- Nagios on x86_64 [Virus checked]
Matthias.Eble at
- Nagios on x86_64 [Virus checked]
Chester R. Hosey
- Nagios on x86_64 [Virus checked]
"D. Wüthrich"
- Nagios Reporting, Embedded CSV
Matt Pickering
- Nagios startup
Ronaldo Garry Muller
- AW: Nagios startup
Koop, Lutz (external)
- Nagios statusmap symbols
Luca D'Angelo
- Nagios still send the notification email after the notification function was disabled
Chris Guo
- Nagios still send the notification email after the notification function was disabled
Marc Powell
- Nagios Web Seminar
Taylor Dondich
- Nagios Web Seminar
Jonathan Nichols
- Nagios Web Seminar
Taylor Dondich
- nagios with MySQL // Atn Arif
John Joseph
- Nagios x Opennms
Roberto Dud (listas)
- Need Help
Chandresh Suthar
- Need Help
Marc Powell
- Need Help
Subhendu Ghosh
- newbie question - making a system in a down state report as OK
Brian Huff
- new issue? CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not complete SSL handshake.
Matt Rae
- new issue? CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not complete SSL handshake.
Lori Adams
- new issue? CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not complete SSL handshake.
Matt Rae
- New Nagios UI Released!
Taylor Dondich
- New Nagios UI Released!
nuffers at
- New Nagios UI Released!
Taylor Dondich
- New Nagios UI Released!
Andreas Ericsson
- New Nagios UI Released!
Masopust Christian
- New Nagios UI Released!
Andreas Ericsson
- New Nagios UI Released!
Hosey, Chester
- New Nagios UI Released!
Taylor Dondich
- New Nagios UI Released!
Scott Sugar
- New Nagios UI Released!
Taylor Dondich
- New Nagios UI Released!
chris hammond
- New Nagios UI Released!
John Mark Walker
- New Nagios UI Released!
chris hammond
- New Nagios UI Released!
Taylor Dondich
- New Nagios UI Released!
chris hammond
- New Nagios UI Released!
Andreas Ericsson
- new to nagios
Rituraj Buddhisagar
- new to nagios
Rituraj Buddhisagar
- new to nagios
Andreas Ericsson
- new to nagios
Rituraj Buddhisagar
- new to nagios
Andreas Ericsson
- new to nagios
Rituraj Buddhisagar
- new to nagios
Rituraj Buddhisagar
- new to nagios
Rituraj Buddhisagar
- no email notification on warnings
Frank Fuhrmann
- no email notification on warnings
Hosey, Chester
- no email notification on warnings
Frank Fuhrmann
- no email notification on warnings
Hosey, Chester
- No service notifications
Kevin Hanser
- No service notifications
Marc Powell
- No service notifications
Emmett Keyser
- No service notifications
Marc Powell
- Notification clarification
Dennis Hopp
- notify-by-email error
Lei Zhong
- notify-by-email error
Moshe Sharon
- notify-by-email error
Marc Powell
- NRPE - Formatting Issue
Tom Brown
- NRPE - Formatting Issue
Marc Powell
- NRPE - Formatting Issue
Marc Powell
- NRPE: Conditional parsing of nrpe.cfg supported?
Chester R. Hosey
- NRPE: Conditional parsing of nrpe.cfg supporte d?
Ralph.Grothe at
- NRPE: Conditional parsing of nrpe.cfg supporte d?
Ralph.Grothe at
- NRPE: Conditional parsing of nrpe.cfg supporte d?
Andreas Ericsson
- nrpe_nt versus nsclient versus nsclient++
Scott Sugar
- nrpe_nt versus nsclient versus nsclient++
Lori Adams
- nrpe_nt versus nsclient versus nsclient++
Frederik Vanhee
- NRPE does nothing with configured with --disable-ssl
Hosey, Chester
- NRPE does nothing with configured with --disable-ssl
Marc Powell
- nrpe on windows??
HP Geeza
- nrpe on windows??
Lori Adams
- NRPE problems on Windows 2003 Servers
Reuben Pearse
- nrpe without ssl for windows?
HP Geeza
- NSCA and Performance data
John Stevens
- NSClient++ versus NRPE_NT on Windows 2003 Enterprise Servers
Richard DeWath
- NSClient++ versus NRPE_NT on Windows 2003 Enterprise Servers
Scott Sugar
- NSClient++ versus NRPE_NT on Windows 2003 Ente rprise Servers
Ben Conrad
- NSClient : which version run in windows server 2003
Marc Powell
- NSClient on 2K3 64-bit OS
Brian J. Dent
- NSClient on 2K3 64-bit OS
Anthony Montibello
- Object's labels
Luca D'Angelo
- On usage of check_procs
Ralph.Grothe at
- On usage of check_procs
Andreas Ericsson
- On usage of check_procs
Marc Powell
- On usage of check_procs
Ralph.Grothe at
- On usage of check_procs
Andreas Ericsson
- OT: Work with OpenSource and Nagios
Johannes Dagemark
- parents attribute / condition alarms
Oliver Welter
- parents attribute / condition alarms
Marc Powell
- passive host checking
Bill Stevenson
- passive host checking
Lori Adams
- Passive Service Checks in Nagios 2.0
Brian C. Huffman
- Passive Service Checks in Nagios 2.0
Marc Powell
- Passive service checks via NSCA and required check command defini tion
Ralph.Grothe at
- Passive service checks via NSCA and required check command defini tion
Paul L. Allen
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Ralph.Grothe at
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Andreas Ericsson
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Ralph.Grothe at
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Paul L. Allen
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Ralph.Grothe at
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Ralph.Grothe at
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Paul L. Allen
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Ralph.Grothe at
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Paul L. Allen
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Ralph.Grothe at
- Passive service checks via NSCA and requir ed check command defini tion
Paul L. Allen
- Paul Lembo is out of the U.S. office.
Paul_Lembo at
- Performance information not processing or being returned
Dale Offret Jr.
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Dennis Hopp
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Lori Adams
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Dennis Hopp
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Dennis Hopp
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Subhendu Ghosh
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Dennis Hopp
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Subhendu Ghosh
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Marc Powell
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Dennis Hopp
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Dennis Hopp
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Chester R. Hosey
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Dennis Hopp
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Patrick Proy
- Perl plugins: No output from plugin
Dennis Hopp
- Phantom Host Alerts
Sam Stave
- Phantom Host Alerts
Marc Powell
- Phantom Host Alerts
Terry L. Inzauro
- Picking a freshness_threshold
naguser at
- Picking a freshness_threshold
Marc Powell
- ping Critical Error
Arjuna Scagnetto
- ping Critical Error
Chester R. Hosey
- ping Critical Error
Arjuna Scagnetto
- AW: ping Critical Error
Götz Rieger
- ping Critical Error
Chris Wilson
- AW: ping Critical Error
Götz Rieger
- Plugin output a clickable http link / feature request
- Plugin output a clickable http link / feature request
Marc Powell
- Problem on check_ping
- Problem on check_ping
Chris Wilson
- Problem on check_ping
- problem setting up contact
Andy Kriger
- problem setting up contact
Marc Powell
- problem setting up contact
Andy Kriger
- problem setting up contact
Andy Kriger
- Problem using for notifications
Dave Augustus
- Problem using for notifications
Subhendu Ghosh
- Problem using for notifications
Dave Augustus
- Problem using for notifications
Russell Adams
- Problem using for notifications
Dave Augustus
- Problem using for notifications
Patrick Proy
- Problem using for notifications
Dave Augustus
- Problem using for notifications
Andreas Ericsson
- Problem using for notifications
Chris Wilson
- Problem with CGI authentication and service visibility
Dmitry Sivachenko
- Problem with check_http returning 403 error
Eugene Ventimiglia
- Problem with check_http returning 403 error
Marc Powell
- Problem with check_http returning 403 error
Eugene Ventimiglia
- Problem with check_mailq script and nrpe
Johnny Stork
- Problem with check_mailq script and nrpe
Marc Powell
- problem with nsca daemon
Frederik Vanhee
- problem with nsca daemon
Marc Powell
- problem with nsca daemon
Frederik Vanhee
- problem with scheduling downtime externally
Leah Fisher
- problem with scheduling downtime externally
Andreas Ericsson
- Query : Support for Red Hat Linux ES2.1
Radhakrishnan, Vipin
- Query : Support for Red Hat Linux ES2.1
Marc Powell
- Question: How do I reduce the size of the alerts that nagios sends?
Scott Sugar
- Question: How do I reduce the size of the alerts that nagios sends?
Dan Knoblauch
- Question: How do I reduce the size of the alerts that nagios sends?
Pete Dewell
- Question: How do I reduce the size of the alerts that nagios sends?
Frederik Vanhee
- R: MIBs not found
Marco Borsani
- R: MIBs not found
Subhendu Ghosh
- Reclassifying an event's significance
Justin Shore
- Reclassifying an event's significance
Andrew Cruse
- Reclassifying an event's significance
Lewis Getschel
- Reclassifying an event's significance
Justin Shore
- Reclassifying an event's significance
Justin Shore
- regexp match problem
Andreas Unterkircher
- regexp match problem
Andreas Ericsson
- remote nagios server report to main
Peder Bach
- remote nagios server report to main
Marc Powell
- Return code of 127 for check of service 'HTTP' on host
Sriram Sreedhar
- Return code of 127 for check of service 'HTTP' on host
Chris Wilson
- run a script based on event??
HP Geeza
- run a script based on event??
Marc Powell
- run a script based on event??
HP Geeza
- run a script based on event??
Ludo Bosmans
- run a script based on event??
HP Geeza
- run a script based on event??
Chris Wilson
- run a script based on event??
Ludo Bosmans
- run a script based on event??
HP Geeza
- run a script based on event??
HP Geeza
- run a script based on event??
Ludo Bosmans
- run a script based on event??
David Miller
- run a script based on event??
HP Geeza
- Running Nagios under HTTPS
Dixie Peterson
- Running Nagios under HTTPS
Edward Ford
- Running Nagios under HTTPS
Marc Powell
- Running Nagios under HTTPS
Marc Powell
- Running Nagios under HTTPS
Robert Hajime Lanning
- Running two nagios instances on same host
Kindy Sylla
- Running two nagios instances on same host
Andreas Ericsson
- send_nsca wont send any data to central server
john.charlton at
- send_nsca wont send any data to central server
Marc Powell
- Sending passive host checks - OCHP vs Notification
Tedman Eng
- service_inter_check_delay_method directive in nagios.cfg
misc at
- Service Checks in pending state
- Service Checks in pending state - Take 2
- Service Checks in pending state - Take 2
Andreas Ericsson
- Service Checks in pending state - Take 2
Marc Powell
- Service Checks in pending state - Take 2
- Service Checks in pending state - Take 2
Marc Powell
- Service Checks in pending state - Take 2
Adi Sharon
- service checks randomly disappear
aloclarit at
- service checks randomly disappear
aloclarit at
- service checks randomly disappear
aloclarit at
- service checks randomly disappear
Paul L. Allen
- service checks randomly disappear
Subhendu Ghosh
- service checks randomly disappear
aloclarit at
- service checks randomly disappear
Andreas Ericsson
- servicedependencies and all services being dependent on PING
Joe.Hoot at
- servicedependencies and all services being dependent on PING
Chester R. Hosey
- servicedependencies and all services being dependent on PING
Joe.Hoot at
- Services dependant on Host
Danny Russell
- Services dependant on Host
Marc Powell
- Service State Latency
Joseph Hardeman
- Service Went Down, No notification sent...
John McGowan
- Service Went Down, No notification sent...
Andreas Ericsson
- Service Went Down, No notification sent...
John McGowan
- smarter nagios
jlin at
- smarter nagios
Marc Powell
- smarter nagios
Subhendu Ghosh
- Socket timeout causes immediate critical notification
Castelhano, Dan
- Socket timeout causes immediate critical notification
Cristina Doblado
- Solution: Exclamation Point Workaround
Lori Adams
- Solution: Exclamation Point Workaround
Lori Adams
- Status display errors
Aaron Carr
- Status display errors
Marc Powell
- Status display errors
Aaron Carr
- Status display errors
Aaron Carr
- Status display errors
Tedman Eng
- Status display errors
Aaron Carr
- statusmap.cgi can't find in /usr/local/lib
John Christian
- statusmap.cgi can't find in /usr/local/lib
Andreas Ericsson
- strange error
Frank Fuhrmann
- strange error
Pete Dewell
- strange error
Marc Powell
- submit_check_result problem
Bill Stevenson
- submit_check_result problem
Bill Stevenson
- temperature sensors
Frederik Vanhee
- temperature sensors
Dan Dycus
- temperature sensors
Dan Dycus
- temperature sensors
Petrucci, Joseph
- temperature sensors
Michael Adams
- temperature sensors
Masopust Christian
- AW: temperature sensors
Koop, Lutz (external)
- temperature sensors
Adams, Russell L.
- temperature sensors
Lewis Getschel
- temperature sensors
Marc Powell
- temperature sensors
Tedman Eng
- temperature sensors
- test
- test
Askar Ali
- test
Marc Powell
- testing URLs hosted locally
David Millet
- testing URLs hosted locally
Marc Powell
- Timeout issue with check_mysql
Matthias Waltsgott
- Timeout issue with check_mysql
Andreas Ericsson
- time problem
hamideh daliri
- Transferring Data between installs
Formy-Duval Alan
- Transferring Data between installs
Marc Powell
- Trends and old data
- Trends and old data
Marc Powell
- Two contacts using the same HTTP auth?
C. Bensend
- Two contacts using the same HTTP auth?
Marc Powell
- Two contacts using the same HTTP auth?
C. Bensend
- Two contacts using the same HTTP auth?
Paul L. Allen
- Two contacts using the same HTTP auth?
Marc Powell
- Two contacts using the same HTTP auth?
Paul L. Allen
- Two contacts using the same HTTP auth?
C. Bensend
- unknown variable :- for "inter_check_delay_methods and log_passive_service_checks" in nagios.cfg
Marc Powell
- unknown variable :- for inter_check_delay_methods and log_passive_service_checks in nagios.cfg
John Joseph
- Usage of check_log
Ralph.Grothe-YpEHkxAi6oMehzHBf2RrnA at
- Usage of check_log
Server Admin
- Use of check_by_ssh
Marc Powell
- Using regex host matches in service definitions
Dominic J. Eidson
- Using regex host matches in service definitions
Dominic J. Eidson
- Using regex host matches in service definitions
Andreas Ericsson
- Using regex host matches in service definition s
Tedman Eng
- Using regex host matches in service definition s
Andreas Ericsson
- Vedr.: Re: check_smtp send message
Thomas Jens Lauritsen
- Web authentication via Radius
- Web authentication via Radius
Subhendu Ghosh
- weird cgi problem
Guillermo Padilla
- weird cgi problem
Hosey, Chester
- weird cgi problem
Guillermo Padilla
- weird cgi problem
Andreas Ericsson
- weird cgi problem
Marc Powell
- weird cgi problem
Guillermo Padilla
- Weirdness with remote (passive) checks. Critical on remote, OK on local?
Brian Smith
- Weirdness with remote (passive) checks. Critical on remote, OK on local?
Marc Powell
- Weirdness with remote (passive) checks. Critical on remote, OK on local?
Scott Sugar
- Weirdness with remote (passive) checks. Critical on remote, OK on local?
Brian Smith
- Weirdness with remote (passive) checks. Critical on remote, OK on local?
Marc Powell
- Weirdness with remote (passive) checks. Critical on remote, OK on local?
Brian Smith
- WG: check_by_ssh - Usage
Koop, Lutz (external)
- WG: check_by_ssh - Usage
Tom Brown
- WG: check_by_ssh - Usage
gottfried hufnagel
- WG: check_by_ssh - Usage
Andreas Ericsson
- AW: WG: check_by_ssh - Usage
Koop, Lutz (external)
- What is the guest user for?
km4hr at
- What is the guest user for?
Marc Powell
- Where to pass check_nrpe args in Nagios config?
Ralph.Grothe at
- Which MIBs for check_snmp ?
Marco Borsani
- Which MIBs for check_snmp ?
EXT-Fuentes, James P
- Which MIBs for check_snmp ?
Marc Powell
- Which MIBs for check_snmp ?
Patrick Proy
- Whoops error on mandrake 10.1
- Whoops error on mandrake 10.1
Paul L. Allen
- Whoops error on mandrake 10.1
Cristina Doblado
- why can't a servicegroup have no members?
Kevin Hanser
- why can't a servicegroup have no members?
Andreas Ericsson
- why can't a servicegroup have no members?
Ralph.Grothe at
- why can't a servicegroup have no members?
Andreas Ericsson
- why can't a servicegroup have no members?
Kevin Hanser
- why can't a servicegroup have no members?
Marc Powell
- Why Nagios 2 do not support database anymore?
Andreas Ericsson
- Why Nagios 2 do not support database anymore?
Marc Powell
- Words of Wisdom for putting Nagios 1.2/1.4 plugins on SUSE SLES 9.1
Paul Goslin
- Words of Wisdom for putting Nagios 1.2/1.4 plugins on SUSE SLES 9.1
Andreas Ericsson
- Words of Wisdom for putting Nagios 1.2/1.4 plugins on SUSE SLES 9.1
L. Mark Stone
Last message date:
Wed Aug 31 22:20:13 CEST 2005
Archived on: Thu Aug 30 13:46:00 CEST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).