check_icmp behavior

Horvath Tamas zsitfa at
Wed Aug 24 20:03:46 CEST 2005


The plugin output of "ICMP Unreachable" reply is OK. May I suggest to change
check_icmp behavior to mark this kind of output as WARNING.

In which situation do I got this kind of reply? As I googled in Internet,
the cause can be:
- too busy router,
- fragment needed, but don't fragment bit set.

I could not find those simptoms in my network. But about half of my
responses are ICMP Unreachable, the others are normal OKs.

My version of check_icmp plugin is:

/opt/nagios/libexec/check_icmp -v 
check_icmp: Version 0.8.1 $Date: 2004/09/07 09:29:29 $ 
check_icmp: comments to ae at

My topology is:

		Internet	     RAS
		   |		      |
----------------------------------------------------Customer Public Network
	|			|
	|			|
	|			|
VPN concentrator	     Firewall	    CentralRouter----Customer WAN

	|			|			|
	|			|			|
	|			|			|
----------------------------------------------------Customer private LAN

We provide remote monitoring to our customer. Nagios host connect VPN
Concentrator via IPSec. So I can only ping RAS indirectly. I go to HostA via
SSH and run check_icmp against RAS. The route is the following:

Everything works fine, but there are some "ICMP Unreachable from
CentralRouter-IP for ICMP Echo sent to RAS-IP" messages.

Thanks in advance!


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