Nagios daemon (release 2.0b3) not catching signals as I would exp ect

Mike Meredith mike.meredith at
Tue Aug 2 16:02:34 CEST 2005

On Tue, 2 Aug 2005 15:05:32 +0200, Ralph.Grothe at wrote:
> At least for my gcc 2.95 build of nagios on this platform the
> daemon doesn't catch signals as I would expect/wish.

I'm still running Nagios 1.2, so my experiences aren't so useful but I don't
see a problem with HUP or TERM signals.

> Are there any quirks (especially with regard to AIX) that I would
> have to consider

Yes. I don't think you're necessarily going to be successful in sticking the
links in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d ... at least I haven't been. It's better to use the
native method with mksrc, chsrc, and lssrc.

> P.S. my supposed way to start/stop nagios:

It is generally not a great idea to rely on bash being available/working on
a non-Linux machine. Only /bin/sh is guaranteed to be fully functional
during system startup. Especially as most of your script doesn't seem to
really require it.

Mike Meredith, Senior Informatics Officer
University of Portsmouth: Hostmaster, Postmaster and Security 
 Linux user #1615 (

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