February 2012 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Feb 1 07:11:13 CET 2012
Ending: Wed Feb 29 23:38:59 CET 2012
Messages: 193
- Fwd: Re: Re: NRPE/NSClient++ CheckCPU Error?
Matthew Jurgens
- (no subject)
mohd mustaquim
- check_snmp OID integer /10
Sánta József
- sms notifications
Marco Borsani
- sms notifications
Martin Hugo
- sms notifications
Giles Coochey
- check_openmanage: Physical Disk ... Undefined value 4096
Helmut Wollmersdorfer
- R: sms notifications
Marco Borsani
- R: sms notifications
Giles Coochey
- check_openmanage: Physical Disk ... Undefined value 4096
David Ribeiro
- Check_Ping plugin not Incrementing Check Attempt Value
Robert V. Bolton
- check_openmanage: Physical Disk ... Undefined value 4096
Trond Hasle Amundsen
- a question about service escalations
Tom Haddon
- Configuration Management for Nagios services/hosts/commands definitions
Jake Xu
- sms notifications
Frank Bulk
- Configuration Management for Nagios services/hosts/commands definitions
Tom H
- Configuration Management for Nagios services/hosts/commands definitions
Bram Gillemon
- Configuration Management for Nagios services/hosts/commands definitions
Tom H
- check_openmanage: Physical Disk ... Undefined value 4096
Helmut Wollmersdorfer
- sms notifications
FTL Nagios
- sms notifications
Mike Neimoyer
- sms notifications
Bram Gillemon
- R: sms notifications
Marco Borsani
- Issue with distributed Host checks
Mike Lindsey
- [SPAM] Re: Issue with distributed Host checks
Assaf Flatto
- NDOUtils Error writing to data sink! Some output may get lost. xxx queued items to flush
Andrew Thompson
- NDOUtils Error writing to data sink! Some output may get lost. xxx queued items to flush
FTL Nagios
- NDOUtils Error writing to data sink! Some output may get lost. xxx queued items to flush
FTL Nagios
- FW: NDOUtils Error writing to data sink! Some output may get lost. xxx queued items to flush
FTL Nagios
- FW: NDOUtils Error writing to data sink! Some output may get lost. xxx queued items to flush
Jonny Mosco
- Fwd: Re: FW: NDOUtils Error writing to data sink! Some output may get lost. xxx queued items to flush
- check_snmp OID integer /10
Jeffrey Watts
- add info on the body of email
Nelson Serafica
- add info on the body of email
Claudio Kuenzler
- nrpe ssl handshake error
Manish Kumar
- check_snmp to monitor Cisco CPU utilization & Memory Used
Manish Kumar
- facing wiered problem in nagios not loading newly edited config files
Manish Kumar
- add info on the body of email
Jonny Mosco
- nrpe ssl handshake error
James Osbourn
- monitor hosts behind firewalls
- nrpe ssl handshake error
Manish Kumar
- nrpe ssh handshake error
- nrpe ssl handshake error
Mark Elsen
- nrpe ssh handshake error
Mark Elsen
- monitor hosts behind firewalls
mail at catsnest.co.uk
- Configuration Management for Nagios services/hosts/commands definitions
Holger Weiß
- monitor hosts behind firewalls
- monitor hosts behind firewalls
mail at catsnest.co.uk
- service dependency mapping in nagios
- service to host dependency in nagios
- monitor hosts behind firewalls
Jorge Pañeda
- Service dependency help
Jeffrey Watts
- nrpe ssh handshake error
Manish Kumar
- nsca old server with new nsca client
Albert Shih
- No Sound Alerts from Ubuntu, Nagroid on Android works GREAT
- nsca old server with new nsca client
Mike Lindsey
- nsca old server with new nsca client
Albert Shih
- Centralized Dashboard
trm asn
- Centralized Dashboard
Joerg Linge
- Centralized Dashboard
Daniel Wittenberg
- Centralized Dashboard
Max Schubert
- Centralized Dashboard
Seun Ojedeji
- Centralized Dashboard
Sven Nierlein
- nrpe ssh handshake error
Werner Flamme
- 2
mohd mustaquim
- nsca old server with new nsca client
Eric Stanley
- monitor hosts behind firewalls
- Warning: Duplicate definition found for service 'XXXX' on host 'YYYY'
Andrew Thompson
- Warning: Duplicate definition found for service 'XXXX' on host 'YYYY'
Werner Flamme
- Warning: Duplicate definition found for service 'XXXX' on host 'YYYY'
Andrew Thompson
- monitor hosts behind firewalls
Jorge Pañeda
- Dynamically add/remove hosts on Nagios
Felipe Cecagno
- Dynamically add/remove hosts on Nagios
Daniel Wittenberg
- NRPE/NSClient++ CheckCPU Error?
Matthew Jurgens
- Dynamically add/remove hosts on Nagios
carlos at dsag.jazztel.es
- Dynamically add/remove hosts on Nagios
Mike Lindsey
- Dynamically add/remove hosts on Nagios
ranjib dey
- Dynamically add/remove hosts on Nagios
Daniel Wittenberg
- NDOUtils 1.4 and database trimm
Esteban Monge
- Submitting patches for NRPE (was: Re: NRPE and include_dir)
Mike Chesnut
- check_disk_smb not working
Emilio Balao
- Submitting patches for NRPE (was: Re: NRPE and include_dir)
mail at catsnest.co.uk
- DNX dead?
Mike Lindsey
- DNX dead?
Sven Nierlein
- DNX dead?
Manish Kumar
- how best and easiest to implement SNMP trap monitoring
a.smith at ukgrid.net
- Plugin to monitor bandwidth usage
Serge Dukic
- Plugin to monitor bandwidth usage
Werner, Robert
- Plugin to monitor bandwidth usage
Randal, Phil
- Plugin to monitor bandwidth usage
Matthew Jurgens
- Submitting patches for NRPE
Mike Chesnut
- Unable to solve problem
Curtis E. Hutson
- permissions error on host groups page
Tim Dunphy
- blank home page issue
Tim Dunphy
- permissions error on host groups page
- Unable to solve problem
- Have we reached some kind of Nagios limit?
Frost, Mark {BIS}
- Have we reached some kind of Nagios limit?
Sven Nierlein
- Unable to solve problem
Andreas Ericsson
- Have we reached some kind of Nagios limit?
Daniel Wittenberg
- check_snmp -s (and -r) not working
David Dyer-Bennet
- Have we reached some kind of Nagios limit?
Frost, Mark {BIS}
- check_openmanage
Mike Stevens
- Where can arguments go?
David Dyer-Bennet
- Where can arguments go?
Stuart Browne
- Where can arguments go?
Jonathan Nilsson
- Where can arguments go?
Martin Hugo
- Exclude Notifications during certian hours
Andrew Thompson
- Exclude Notifications during certian hours
Assaf Flatto
- Where can arguments go?
David Dyer-Bennet
- Where can arguments go?
Jonathan Nilsson
- Where can arguments go?
David Dyer-Bennet
- Nagios 3.3.1, event brokers, and debug.
Mike Lindsey
- number of notification per host
Marco Borsani
- Nagios 3.3.1, event brokers, and debug.
Sven Nierlein
- number of notification per host
FTL Nagios
- R: number of notification per host
Marco Borsani
- About check_by_ssh
Carlos Albornoz
- nagios plugins output strings
- Nagios 3.3.1, event brokers, and debug.
Mike Lindsey
- Nagios 3.3.1, event brokers, and debug.
Sven Nierlein
- Nagios 3.3.1, event brokers, and debug.
Mike Lindsey
- check_http 1.4.15
Scott Ford
- check_http fails for two Sprint sites
Frank Bulk
- check_dhcp failing to return OK from virtualised DHCP servers
Steve Hennerley
- check_http fails for two Sprint sites
Joerg Linge
- check_http fails for two Sprint sites
Frank Bulk
- check_http fails for two Sprint sites
Joerg Linge
- Issue in Nagios tool --socket time out error
Chandra Lachmayya Moger
- socket time out error from cluster server in passive node in nagios tools
chandra moger
- Nagios 3.3.1, event brokers, and debug.
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios 3.3.1, event brokers, and debug.
Sven Nierlein
- Howto monitor udp ports using nagiosxi wizard
moses neah
- Howto monitor udp ports using nagiosxi wizard
Assaf Flatto
- Nagios 3.3.1, event brokers, and debug.
Andreas Ericsson
- Nagios and Zimbra
John Kennedy
- check_http fails for two Sprint sites
Paul Dubuc
- check_http fails for two Sprint sites
Frank Bulk
- Eventlog monitoring through NSClient++
- Eventlog monitoring through NSClient++
Assaf Flatto
Edwin Zoeller
- Eventlog monitoring through NSClient++
Daniel Wittenberg
- Eventlog monitoring through NSClient++
Alex Griffin
- Eventlog monitoring through NSClient++
C. Bensend
- About check_by_ssh
Alex Griffin
- Eventlog monitoring through NSClient++
- Eventlog monitoring through NSClient++
Mark Elsen
Alex Griffin
- Eventlog monitoring through NSClient++
Randal, Phil
- Howto monitor udp ports using nagiosxi wizard
Alex Griffin
Edwin Zoeller
Alex Griffin
- socket time out error from cluster server in passive node in nagios tools
Daniel Wittenberg
- nagios plugins output strings
Daniel Wittenberg
- Nagios 3.3.1, event brokers, and debug.
Sven Nierlein
- NRPE and IPv6
Thomas Pries
- NRPE and IPv6
Jens Link
- NRPE and IPv6
Thomas Pries
- NRPE and IPv6
Jens Link
- Nagios 3.3.1, event brokers, and debug.
Mike Lindsey
- NDOUtils 1.5 kernel tuning suggestions
Mark Young
- NRPE and IPv6
Robert V. Bolton
- Host Availability Report Strange Output
Andrew Thompson
- Host Availability Report Strange Output
Claudio Kuenzler
- check_http 1.4.15
Claudio Kuenzler
- About check_by_ssh
Carlos Albornoz
Steve Kemp
- nagios heavy memory usage
Jonathan Agneessens
- WMI and user account
- nagios heavy memory usage
Manish Kumar
- Exclude Notifications during certian hours
Alex Griffin
- NRPE and IPv6
Thomas Pries
Daniel Wittenberg
- Monitoring log files of oracle DB on windows server using nagios
Manish Kumar
- Monitoring log files of oracle DB on windows server using nagios
C. Bensend
- WMI and user account
Yancy Ribbens
Steve Kemp
Daniel Wittenberg
- nagios ndoutils problem
- check_mssql_health plugin by consol labs connection issues
Andrew Thompson
- nagios heavy memory usage
Jonathan Agneessens
- nagios heavy memory usage
Andreas Ericsson
- check_http 1.4.15
Scott Ford
- Monitoring with check_snmp a file system
Verges Casadevall, Jordi
- NRPE allowed_hosts directive
Wadud Miah (ITCS)
- NRPE allowed_hosts directive
C. Bensend
- Does nagios refuse the \ character?
Andrew Thompson
- Nag 3.3.1 emai address not changed
- FW: Does nagios refuse the \ character?
Andrew Thompson
- Host including services from another host with the same base name
Jason J. W. Williams
- Nag 3.3.1 emai address not changed
Morris, Patrick
- Monitoring with check_snmp a file system
Werner, Robert
- check_http 1.4.15
Werner, Robert
Last message date:
Wed Feb 29 23:38:59 CET 2012
Archived on: Thu Aug 30 13:50:25 CEST 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).