monitor cpu usage...

Craig A tabmow99 at
Tue Dec 16 15:32:45 CET 2008

> could you perhaps paste relevant pieces of check_proc using -vvv?
> just out of interest, how did you install nagios-plugins on this host?
> package or compiled?
Hmm, that's interesting - i didn't know about '-vvv' - lots of useful info
there.   Nagios-plugins on this host was compiled.   By this time, our
offending process (a jvm) is now behaving normally and has stopped consuming
100% constantly.    But when we stress the server manually, if I watch
'top', i can see % CPU for that process go above 60% for several seconds
(ie. if i hit 'space bar' for 2-3 seconds, it's pinned at 60% for a few
seconds, then it goes back to normal {ie. < 1%}).     But if i constantly
run 'check_procs' (as a dummy test, i threw it in a loop and had it run 100
times with no sleep and log the results), it still doesn't view the java
process as above 0%...

If i try exactly the same thing (running check_procs 100 times) with a
non-jvm process (ie. i used '-C top' and then hit space bar to push top
above 20% usage), check_procs reports properly.

Any idea why I'd be getting this descrepancy?
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