Nagios doesn't die when killed

Chris St. Pierre stpierre at
Fri Dec 12 18:33:19 CET 2008

On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, James Pratt wrote:

> Unfortunately - not really ... I guess you could modify your init script to run an strace on a quick start and stop, and redirect to file, but that may produce a lot of unwanted garbage/goop.

I've already straced the stop, and there's nothing even remotely
suspicious.  The SIGTERM is received, and happily ignored.  If there's
something I should be looking for, I'm afraid I don't know what that
would be.

> I see Dag Wiers' has a 3.0.6 RPM for EL5 out there but I cannot locate the srpm
> I'm not positive it would work, as I've moved most of my fedoras' to CentOS 5 - Fedoras release cycle is just a bit too fast for us, and I don't know how the versions line up with EL rpms anymore... :\

Dag's Nagios RPM uses a different specfile than the one in
Fedora/EPEL, with different paths and fun things that break in
exciting ways when you mix his RPMs with those from Fedora or EPEL.
Since we use EPEL, I try to avoid Dag Wieers' stuff where it overlaps,
thus the rebuilding from Fedora.  TBH, trying to use Dag's RPM would
be a much bigger chore than porting the specfile in 3.0.5 in Fedora to
3.0.6 and rebuilding for RHEL.

Chris St. Pierre
Unix Systems Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University

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