ePN: notification script

Stanley.Hopcroft at Dest.gov.au Stanley.Hopcroft at Dest.gov.au
Mon Mar 6 06:56:09 CET 2006

Dear Folks,

I am writing to thank you for your letters and say,

>-----Original Message-----

>Message: 8
>To: Nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
>From: "John R. Daily" <jdaily at apparatus.net>
>Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 19:51:35 -0500
>Subject: [Nagios-users] ePN: notification script
>I've been trying to get a Perl script to work as part of the notify- 
>by-email command as defined in minimal.cfg, and it's finally dawned  
>on me that the RPM package I'm using has the embedded Perl  
>interpreter compiled in.

I am using a home-cooked one with a spec file pretty well copied from
Dag Wieers EL3 RPM. Works fine for me.

>(Is there a replacement for nagios -m in v2.0?  The documentation  
>still refers to it, but it doesn't seem to work.)
>Anyway, I'm not thrilled about having to deal with ePN for simple  
>Perl utilities that aren't plugins, but I figured I could get it to  
>work anyway.  However, now I'm less confident.

It can be a great pain in the proverbial to get going. However, the
docco suggests (perldoc p1.pl) that you can enable some debug/verbose
output to find where the plugin/Perl code is blowing up.

Here's my debug p1.pl header.

[sh1517 at acisf011 Nagios-Report-0.016]$ more /usr/bin/p1.pl_debug-epn 
 package Embed::Persistent;

# p1.pl for Nagios 2.0

use strict ;

use Text::ParseWords qw(parse_line) ;

use constant    LEAVE_MSG               => 1 ;
use constant    CACHE_DUMP              => 2 ;
use constant    PLUGIN_DUMP             => 4 ;

use constant    DEBUG_LEVEL             => LEAVE_MSG ;

use constant    DEBUG_LOG_PATH          => '/var/log/nagios/' ;
# use constant  DEBUG_LOG_PATH          => './' ;

You could try backing up your p1.pl, editing it as above and then
restart Nagios (its prob good to have a second devel installation - in 
a second path for this). This will leave messages like

Thu Feb  9 11:31:30 2006 eval_file: successfully compiled
DOWN HARD 1139444865 1139445090 0 0".
Thu Feb  9 11:31:30 2006 run_package:
acisf011 DOWN HARD 1139444865
 1139445090 0 0" returning (3, "**ePN
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/eventhandlers/global_host_event_handler: "Can't
open /usr/lib/nagios/p
lugins/eventhandlers/global_event_handler-debug.log for output in append
mode: Permission denied at (eval 1) line 61,".

in the log.

The other suggestion for debugging ePN probs is have a look at
(Unfortch as I have just now found out, it doesn't appear to have the
correct path to
p1.pl in it so it doesn't work. This is very useful for debugging Perl
scripts for
use with ePN).

>Here's the pipeline as originally defined in minimal.cfg:
>    /usr/bin/printf ... | /bin/mail -s ...

(I have been happily using such pipelines for years with ePN eg

# 'notify-by-epager' command definition
define command{
        command_name    notify-by-epager
        command_line    /usr/bin/printf "%b" "$SERVICEDESC$ $HOSTNAME$

>It's the printf portion of the pipeline that I've been attempting to  
>replace with a Perl script.  Once I realized that ePN was mucking  
>things up I hoped that it would be sufficient to exit with an OK  
>"error", but that was apparently wishful thinking.

You should only need to exit with a return code known to Nagios although
is customary to write a line of text.

>Does anyone know what the shortest functional ePN script might be?


use lib q</path/to/utils.pm> ;

use utils ;

print "In the beginning was the word.\n" ;
exit $ERRORS{OK} ;

or more tersely


print "Foo.\n"; exit 0;

If you can't get it going, please post your problem script and someone
should be
able to spot the bug.

Good luck.

Yours sincerely.

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