Adding arguments to the host check_command

Danny Russell drussell at
Wed May 25 22:40:05 CEST 2005

I am having a problem adding arguments to the host check_command. The
reason I want to do this, is that the ports I want to check are running
on a non pingable ip address, so I want to ping the router directly in
front of them.


I am having problems using:

define host{

        use                                   generic-host            ;
Name of host template to use

        host_name                        Rotters 2

        alias                                 Rotters Auto Clinic -



        max_check_attempts         10

        notification_interval             5

        notification_period              24x7

        notification_options            d,u,r



I would think this would work, but when I run Nagios -v

Checking hosts...

Error: Host check command
'check_ping_special!!300.0,30%!500.0,75%' specified for host 'R

otters 2' is not defined anywhere!


It's like you cannot pass parameters on the host check_command? Is this


For a temporary work around I created my own check-host-alive-rotters
command that has the router's ip hard coded in the customer
checkcommands.cfg file.



What would you suggest to solve my problem?






Danny Russell

Mobile Productivity, Inc.

drussell at

Enabling the World To Work



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