FW: NRPE: Unable to read output - Plugin(event handler)

Lewis Getschel lgetschel at denver.westerngeco.slb.com
Wed Jan 5 21:01:43 CET 2005

   If I'm following you (which I may not be)...

Your nrpe.cfg command listed here doesn't have ANY arguments shown for 

Assuming that you're using nrpe's original configuration, it doesn't 
accept any arguments while 'calling' nrpe from your nagios server 
(security issues abound, i.e. dont_blame_nrpe=1).
Therefore, if cycle_tomcat needs any parameters, you need to list them 
along with the script path/name. Here is one of my nrpe.cfg commands:

command[check_fsdisk4]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 10% -c 5% 
-p /dev/sde1

In services.cfg it is simply called with:

I don't put any parameters in the services.cfg file, just in the 
nrpe.cfg file.

I hope I got what you wanted.

Nathan Oyler wrote:

>/* see if the command timed out */
>			if(early_timeout==TRUE)
>				snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer)-1,"NRPE:
>Command timed out after %d seconds\n",command_timeout);
>			else if(!strcmp(buffer,""))
>				snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer)-1,"NRPE:
>Unable to read output\n");
>Is the part of the code that gives me this error, what does that mean?
>I've created a test plugin with just an echo, and it runs fine. I can
>paste my plugin as well if that would help, here is the command listed
>in nrpe.
>The Script accepts Okay, Critical, Unknown, etc. Where does the command
>get specified as needing arguments? Could that be the problem?
>>I wrote an event handler in bash. It runs perfectly fine as the nagios
>>user on the machine.
>>When I run it via check_nrpe -H hostname -c cycle_tomcat CRITICAL SOFT
>>I get NRPE: Unable to read output
>>If I run it without the variables Critical, etc, I still get the same
>>I have googled for the error, although I believe it comes up in many
>>different scenarios, and so far I have not gotten it.
>>The plugin has permissions on it that are good. It's defined in
>>nrpe.cfg. I am not sure what the problem is.
>>Nathan Oyler
>>Information Technology
>>480-308-2342 Office
>>Khimetrics Inc.
>>Maximizing Sales & Profit
>>Revenue Management from Khimetrics
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Lewis Getschel             | Today is done...
WesternGeco                |     Today was fun...
1625 Broadway              |         Tommorrow is another one.
Denver, CO 80202           |
Direct Phone - 303-389-4407|        -- Dr. Seuss --

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