Distributed Woes - Passive Check Results not being submitted to Master

Murray Crane murray at liquidthinking.co.uk
Thu Mar 11 15:46:48 CET 2004

You'll have to forgive me, I've only just subscribed to 
the list and I'm fighting again by webmail access to the 
account I subscribed from.


In much the same way as AJ, I have a two server setup - 
Debian Woody on the Distrib Server, FreeBSD 5.1 on the 
Central Server; currently I have only PINGs on the 
distributed server (during testing).

 From what I can see in the debug.log on the central 
servier, traffic is incoming to nsca correctly, and nsca 
appears to be accepting it:

Mar 11 14:30:09 godzilla nsca[1166]: Connection from port 49066
Mar 11 14:30:09 godzilla nsca[1166]: Host address checks 
out ok
Mar 11 14:30:38 godzilla nsca[1166]: Connection from port 49322
Mar 11 14:30:38 godzilla nsca[1166]: Host address checks 
out ok

And so on... The trouble is, that's the last I see of the 
passive check traffic; it never makes it onto the 
webpages. I have tried manually submitting passive check 
results from the Distrib Server; they too are seen by 
debug.log but not by nagios, and I have submitted passive 
checks from the web frontend and five hours later the 
freshness checker kicks in and CRITICALs the services.

Saw your reply to AJ on this thread, and implemented the 
changes suggested - traffic is still flowing to nsca but 
not onto the webspace.

Any further suggestions?

Murray Crane

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