Some acks aren't retained across reloads/restarts

Skip Montanaro skip at
Mon Oct 6 23:54:05 CEST 2003

I'm using NagMIN to administer my Nagios (1.1) configuration through the
web.  At one point I changed NagMIN's activate button to tell Nagios to
reload its configuration instead of restarting the server.  At the moment,
some acknowledgements aren't retained across activates even though
nagios.cfg contains these settings:


For example, before my most recent activate click in NagMIN, the HTTPS
service on brynmawr was ack'd as down.  Two hosts, garfield and luis, were
ack'd as down.  Garfield and luis are still shown as down (and ack'd).
Brynmawr's HTTPS service is still critical with a status message of
"connection refused", however the ack - as represented by the little
man-with-a-shovel icon - has been lost.

I manually restarted Nagios using "/etc/init.d/nagios restart" (the vanilla
rc script which comes with Nagios).  Same problem, so it doesn't appear my
restart->reload change in NagMIN was the culprit.  I've also confirmed that
restart->there is only a single Nagios instance running and that
restart->/usr/local/nagios/var/status.sav is being updated.  Here's the
restart->latest record from status.sav for the HTTPS service on brynmawr:

  SERVICE: brynmawr;HTTPS;2;1065476326;0;191;0;0;363;1065476343;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;1065476343;Connection refused

Which field records the service down acknowledgement?

Feature request for future versions: Since it appears the logfile parser
understands comments, how about sticking a comment in the various logfiles
which says which fields are which?

Any idea what's going on?  


Skip Montanaro
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