Layout of Nagios

Browett, Darren dbrowett at
Mon Nov 3 17:45:31 CET 2003

We are in the process of setting up our nagios installation, and I was
wondering how people are laying out nagios
and what is the most effective way they have found for setting up

Each group is ......

1. Based on the type of system being monitored, i.e. Unix, Linux,
Router, Switch, Wintel etc etc

2. Based on the function of the system i.e. database server, web server,
file print, network component etc.

3. Based on location of the system i.e. loc 1 has unix, wintel, router
switch, loc 2 has wintel, switch, loc 3 has linux, switch router etc.

Also, Nagios allows you to have one host in multiple groups, when you
start to get to large numbers, won't that become confusing ??



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