Same status

Chris Stankaitis chris.stankaitis at
Mon Jan 13 15:02:21 CET 2003

This is an active vs. passive check thing... An Active check is one that 
is started on the nagios server.... some of these can handle remote 
hosts, ping, ssh, smtp, pop, http, time etc... those you can run from 
nagios and everything will be happy for all your different hosts.

Things like current user, load, disk space,  processes, can't be run 
from the nagios server with regards to collecting this information from 
remote hosts by default.  to do this you need to set up passive checks, 
and somehow get the information from the client to the host (nagios 
server) this can be acomplished by mutiple ways...

1) NRPE - open connection runs on each clent, nagios connects to the 
port and gets the info you want
2) NSCA - open connection runs on NAGIOS server and clients send 
information to the nagios server encrypted
3) check_by_ssh using the SSH's ability to execute commands to run 
commands on the client and pulls back results

*** Personal View Disclaimer***

After setting this all up I personally thing option 2 the NSCA is the 
superior option though it's a little tricky to get everything working, 
Check_by_ssh is good and easy if your not monitoring a lot of hosts and 
a lot of servers, if your running a lot checks on a lot of hosts you'll 
get your syslog spammed by nagios checks unless you turn down the 
logging which is NOT a good idea, NRPE is a good choice and from what I 
see on the list the most popular but I don't want to have any 
un-necessary ports open on my clients so I decided against this.. NRPE 
is a pull in that each client has to have a daemon up and nagios 
connects to that and gets the info.

NSCA is pushed from the clients and uses the mcrypt libs to provide a 
bunch of encryption choice including blowfish and 2fish... it requires 
only a daemon on the nagios server.   for my needs this was the best 

Justin wrote:
> I basically have my services file set up like this
> define service{
> use generic-service ; Name of service template to use
> host_name mail
> service_description PING
> is_volatile 0
> check_period 24x7
> contact_groups mail-servers
> notification_options w,u,c,r
> check_command check_ping
> }
> I have the same set up for check_users, check_disk, etc.  Well my 
> problem is, I get the stats, but all the stats for the services are the 
> same.  After further inspection I learned that all host where returning 
> the stats for the server nagios is actually running on.  I have read the 
> manual and I seem to be doing everything correctly.  I am assuming the 
> check_* commands are being run, but as it it were checking that machine, 
> and not looking out to the machines I want to monitor.  Any information 
> would be helpfull.  Thanks
> Justin Wedeking
> Info Tech

Chris Stankaitis
Systems Administrator
Datawire Communication Networks Inc.

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