Threaded reaper patch

Adam Augustine augustineas at
Tue Aug 9 21:13:02 CEST 2011

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 4:32 AM, Adam James <adam.james at>wrote:

> Hello,
> On Thu, 4 Aug 2011 15:05:19 -0600
> Adam Augustine <augustineas at> wrote:
> > Did Andreas Ericson's threaded reaper patch (
> >
> > make it into 3.3.1?
> >
> > I think, but do not know, that we are seeing some significant latency
> > related to the amount of time spent reaping, and I think this would
> > help significantly.
> I'm unsure if you're confused or just posted to the wrong list, but the
> patch you are referring to is specific to the merlin broker module not
> nagios core.
> If you are running a distributed setup using merlin, the first
> version I can see containing the threaded reaper code is 0.9.0. If not,
> the latency you're experiencing is due to a different problem.
> Regards,
> Adam
> --
> T: 0203 384 7207
> E: adam.james at
> W:
Yes, I was confused, and mis-read the first sentence of the third paragraph
of the blog posting as creating a reaper thread for Nagios.

But in spite of that, it seems that moving the reaper code into a thread
would be generically useful for Nagios. I know it has been discussed on this
list in the past.

If the Merlin reaper thread is wholly contained within the Merlin NEB (as it
appears to be) and is not in any way patching the Nagios core code, then my
question is, how is that working without conflicting with the main event
loop reaper code? My quick glance at the NEB callbacks for
EVENT_CHECK_REAPER seems to indicate that there isn't any
NEBERROR_CALLBACKOVERRIDE associated with it. So I am very curious how it is
being handled.
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