CPU leak on nagios-2.0b2
Subhendu Ghosh
sghosh at sghosh.org
Fri Feb 25 14:57:50 CET 2005
On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Dmitriy Kirhlarov wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 02:14:47PM +0100, Andreas Ericsson wrote:
>> Dmitriy Kirhlarov wrote:
>>>> 85% CPU load is equivalent (roughly) to 0.85 as reported by uptime.
> It's not equivalent.
>> man uptime. I think your snmp implementation is somewhat broken or
> load average -- how much processes in the queue.
> Mine snmp-counter -- how much processes ticks in work, and how much in idle in time period.
>>> If we have stable load ~80% -- no problem.
>>> But CPU load _increased_ from 30% when we started nagios to 80% during 24
>>> hours approx.
>> The fact that the load increases when you run applications is pretty
>> obvious after all. Nagios is a bit of a resource hog since it has to run
>> a lot of programs to do the actual checks. You really should try to run
>> nagios on a dedicated server that doesn't really have a load until you
>> start nagios on it.
> ...it's my english. sorry.
> No. You say about normal situation and I have not question.
> But it's not my situation.
> I starting nagios.
> Summary CPU Load counter _30%_.
> No another task running.
> After 24 hours my summary CPU Load -- _80%_.
> If I stop the nagios and start him again I get CPU Load 30%.
> After another 24 hours I get CPU Load 80% again.
> Without any another tasks on this machine in this time.
Can you track which processes are taking CPU via top? Is it just the
main Nagios process or the cumulative of the Nagios processes (fork for
every check..)
Depending on your config and the number of check, Nagios may not have a
base CPU usage for 5~7 min.
i.e. right after startup - all the init work is done. read config,
determine scheduling queue etc...
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