nagios backdoor

Rainer Duffner rainer at
Thu Jun 6 21:10:10 CEST 2013

Am 06.06.2013 um 20:46 schrieb Sven Nierlein <Sven.Nierlein at>:

> Hi,
> Do you have any details? The german notice sounds like someone broke
> into their nagios system, but not necessarily by a nagios backdoor.
>  Sven

There are not many details available - probably partly because they don't know them themselves (they've hired outside experts for the analysis).
Also, what you will read about such an incident will almost always never be the "complete truth" but more what the company will want you to believe to be the truth.

>From what can the learned from (mostly reliable heise-news)

it either seems to be a rather sophisticated APT-style attack - or the company (Hetzner) has learned little to nothing from previous security-breaches and attackers found another way into their systems.

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