Introducing Adagios - Another web configuration interface to Nagios

Páll Guðjón Sigurðsson palli at
Fri Oct 26 17:41:47 CEST 2012

Hello everyone,

This is a call for testers on our new Nagios web configuration utility. We use pynag as our underlying library to configure nagios in-place.

We would love feedback from any interested party to help us iron out bugs and ideas on what Nagios tasks currently take to much of your time and could be made easier with a web interface. 

* Edit nagios configs in-place without a database backend (thanks pynag)
* Audit of configuration changes (aka git integration)
* Bulk Edit/Copy/Delete of objects
* Value-add for both novices and nagios gurus
* Rest Interface
* Start/Stop/Reload of Nagios Service

Adagios also integrates nicely with okconfig offering features such as:
* Template support
* Preconfigured templates (windows,linux,oracle,brocade,etc)
* Remotely push agent to client (windows,rhel,debian,suse are supported)
* Network scan to find unmonitored hosts
* Easy changes to plugin thresholds via nagios macros

As with any configuration utility. Please make sure you take backups before installing in a live environment.

Install instruction for Centos/RHEL:
Live demo here:

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