Can't get service failure(warning) to send notification

James Pifer jamespifer at
Wed Oct 17 21:34:04 CEST 2012

On 10/15/2012 10:07 PM, booleanenator at wrote:
> When I have issues like that, I turn up debugging in nagios.cfg then force the service to go critical with passive commands from the CGI. Remember that the debug options are additive, so only include what you need to figure out what is going on. I would say just from this conversation that it sounds like your either you timeperiods are incorrect/conflicting exclusions etc. or the notification command cannot be parsed correctly. Remember both the service and contact timeperiods have to overlap for a notification to be sent. Also, it only notifies when going into a hard state. If you have retries, it may require you to submit the critical passive state mutiple times. I usually disable active checks when I do this so a scheduled active check doesn't put the service into an okay state in the middle of forcing a hard critical.
> It would help to debug if you include the service definitions (including all templates inherited and explicitly included in the "use" line), contact definition, the relevant notification and check command definitions, and timeperiods.
> Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

I've been trying to figure out how to put nagios into debug like you are 
referring to. I did find a which debug a plugin. That 
did work and might be useful someday, but not what you are referring to. 
Below is all the information around this check (I think). Please let me 
know if you see what might be causing the problem.


define host{
         use                             generic-host
         _HOST_ID                                2923
         parents                         Centreon-Server
         hostgroups                      corporate
         check_command                   check_host_alive
         max_check_attempts                      5
         check_interval                  5
         retry_interval                  5
         active_checks_enabled           1
         passive_checks_enabled          1
         check_period                    24x7
         contact_groups                  Notify_james
         contacts                                james
         notification_interval           10
         first_notification_delay                0
         notification_period             24x7
         notification_options            d
         notifications_enabled           1

define host{
         name                            generic-host
         alias                           generic-host
         check_command                   check_host_alive
         max_check_attempts                      5
         active_checks_enabled           1
         passive_checks_enabled          0
         check_period                    24x7
         contact_groups                  Supervisors
         notification_interval           0
         notification_period             24x7
         notification_options            d,r
         notifications_enabled           0
         register                                0

define service{
         service_description             check_http
         _SERVICE_ID                     1879
         use                             CheckHTTP
         check_command                   check_http
         max_check_attempts                      5
         normal_check_interval           5
         retry_check_interval            1
         active_checks_enabled           1
         passive_checks_enabled          1
         check_period                    24x7
         event_handler                   check_http
         event_handler_enabled           1
         notification_interval           5
         first_notification_delay                0
         notification_period             24x7
         notification_options            w,u,c,r
         notifications_enabled           1
         contact_groups                  Notify_james
         contacts                                james

define service{
         service_description             ping
         _SERVICE_ID                     1878
         use                             Ping-LAN

Service Templates:
define service{
         name                            CheckHTTP
         service_description             CheckHTTP
         use                             generic-service
         is_volatile                     0
         check_command                   check_http
         max_check_attempts                      3
         normal_check_interval           5
         retry_check_interval            1
         active_checks_enabled           1
         passive_checks_enabled          0
         check_period                    24x7
         event_handler                   check_http
         event_handler_enabled           1
         notification_period             24x7
         notification_interval           5
         notification_options            w,u,c,r
         notifications_enabled           1
         first_notification_delay                1
         contact_groups                  Supervisors
         register                                0

define service{
         name                            Ping-LAN
         service_description             Ping
         use                             generic-service
         check_command check_centreon_ping!3!200,20%!400,50%
         register                                0
         ;TEMPLATE-HOST-LINK             generic-host

define service{
         name                            generic-service
         service_description             generic-service
         is_volatile                     0
         max_check_attempts                      3
         normal_check_interval           5
         retry_check_interval            1
         active_checks_enabled           1
         passive_checks_enabled          0
         check_period                    24x7
         notification_period             24x7
         notification_interval           0
         notification_options            w,c,r
         notifications_enabled           0
         contact_groups                  Supervisors
         register                                0

define contact{
         contact_name                    james
         alias                           james
         contactgroups                   Notify_james
         host_notification_period                24x7
         service_notification_period             24x7
         host_notification_options               d
         service_notification_options    n
         host_notification_commands              host-notify-by-email
         service_notification_commands   host-notify-by-email
         email                           james at

define contactgroup{
         contactgroup_name                       Notify_james
         alias                           Notify_james
         members                         james

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