Question about Nagios Features

Gian Karlo webdev.gk at
Wed Oct 26 10:28:19 CEST 2011

Hi everyone. I would like to evaluate OpenNMS but I would like to ask if if
the features that I am looking is supported out-of-the-box. Thank you.

1. Topology Based Navigation - Be able to navigate devices/elements as based
on the topology map created
2. Automatic Device Discovery -    Be able to discover devices for
monitoring (requires enabling of SNMP)
3. Detailed Historical Reports    - Be able to view historical reports on
devices and elements
4. Fault Management and Network Availability Tools - Be able to display
alerts, provide audible alarms, suppress alarms, create alarms as based on
complex status and devices/element availability
5. Network Performance Monitor - Be able to display information about
network devices/element health, utilization and status
6. Syslog Viewer - Be able to accept and display system logs from
7. SNMP Compatibility - Be able to verify compatibility with different SNMP
8. CPU, Memory & Disk Space Monitoring - Be able to display device/element
information such as CPU, Memory and Disk Space Utilization
9. Advance Reporting Engine - Be able to create custom reports as based on
required information
10. Advance Alerting - Be able to create advance alerts as based on complex
combination of inputs and send these alerts via email or thru audible alarms
11. Incident Alerting - Be able to send an alert based on different
incidents experienced by the device/element
12. Network Map Making -    Be able to create a map of the devices/elements
13. Custom Property Editor - Be able to create a custom property to
interface, node or volume
14. Custom HTML Resources - Be able to add resources to your HTML such as
link or text
15. Custom MIB Support -    Be able to view other statistics as based on
customized MIB pollers
16. Role-based Access Control - Be able to create different users with
different access to NPM resources
17. Customizable and Flexible Web Console - Be able to customize web console
as based on customer requirement
18. Customizable Web Views - Be able to customize web views as based on
customer requirement
19. Enterprise Scalability -Be able to provide scalability options to
sustain network growth
20. Open Architecture - Be able to integrate with Open Architecture database
21. Unified Monitoring Console - Be able to unify application performance
information with other NPM information on the console
22. Advance Server Monitoring - Be able to monitor Windows, Unix and Linux
servers key performance statistics
23. Services and Port Monitoring - Be able to monitor applications running
on servers as based on services and ports used
24. User Experience Monitoring - Be able to provide user experience
information on web-based applications
25. Application Templates - Be able to provide application monitoring
information as based on included application templates
26. Out-of-the-box Reporting - Be able to display reports using out of the
box reporting templates
27. Advance Application Alerting - Be able to create alerts on complex
combinations of events
28. Top-to-bottom Analysis - Be able to provide analysis on traffic flow as
based on NetFlow, SFlow and/or JFlow
29. Netflow, SFlow, JFlow Support - Be able to support devices/elements
running IP Flows and display statistics as based on information
30. Netflow Reporting - Be able to provide Flow reports
31. Application Traffic Information - Be able to provide statistics as based
on application traffic information
32. Demographics - Be able to provide information on top users and top
33. VoIP QoS Measurement - Be able to provide statistics as based on VoIP
QoS measured values
34. Alerts, Grahps and Reporting - Be able to provide alerts, graphs and
reports as based on statistics gathered
35. VoIP Infrastructure Monitoring - Be able to monitor VoIP network
infrastructure and provide information on network health for support of VoIP
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