Status Information in to Logfile

Jim Avery jim at
Mon Nov 8 18:16:22 CET 2010

On 8 November 2010 16:45,  <Matt.Garrett at> wrote:
> If a Service state is ok and its state has not changed from the last state
> it does not Log a message in the nagios.log file
> However for a external application we would like to be able to log all
> Service Information
> Tried looking in the nagios.cfg but all the logging options are set to 1 e.g
> on
> The only way we found so far was to make the plugin exit code 2 which then
> forces a log entry but would prefer to have normal exit 0

According to the documentation , you need to set the relevant
stalking_options in the service definition.  See:


I can't say I've ever tried it myself though.



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