Bug in 3.0.2 with service escalation contact groups

Andy Shellam andy.shellam-lists at mailnetwork.co.uk
Tue May 27 12:17:29 CEST 2008

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Bug in 3.0.2 with service escalation contact
Date: Tue, May 27, 2008 5:27
From: "Andreas Ericsson" <ae at op5.se>

> Andy Shellam wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I think I've found a bug in Nagios 3.0.2 with the contact_groups (and
> > contacts) directive in service escalations.
> > I have a contact group called "NetServe Support" which all my support
> > personnel are a member of.  In all other definitions (services, hosts
> > etc), the following line works:
> >
> > contact_groups  NetServe Support
> >
> It's not supposed to. If it works, it's an easter egg.
> > But with a service escalation, it tries to expand that into two separate
> > groups "NetServe" and "Support" despite the documentation saying that
> > multiple groups should be separated by commas.
> >
> The documentation also says that the value referred to by the variable
> contactgroup_name (which can't contain spaces) is the one to use when
> referencing the contactgroup from other objects. I'm guessing you're
> using the alias field instead, no?
> --
> Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson at op5.se
> OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
> Tel: +46 8-230225                  Fax: +46 8-230231

Hi Andreas,

Well in that case it's a lot of easter eggs!  Service escalations are the
only thing it doesn't work for!  Hosts, services, host escalations,
contacts, contact groups all accept "NetServe Support" as a valid contact
group name.

I even have hosts that have names with spaces that work OK (e.g. Telehouse
Router 1.)  See attached screenshot - notice the contact group is
"NetServe Support" and parent hosts such as "Telehouse Router 1" and
"Telecity Router 1".)

No I'm not using the alias, my contact groups don't have aliases defined;
I'm using the name directive.  I couldn't find where the documentation
says not to use spaces in name definitions?

"contactgroup_name: 	This directive is a short name used to identify the
contact group."

"contact_groups: 	This directive is used to identify the short name of the
contact group that should be notified when the service notification is
escalated. Multiple contact groups should be separated by commas. You must
specify at least one contact or contact group in each service escalation

Sorry if I seem confused here, I am.  I don't understand how when the
majority of definitions work, it's incorrect, surely something this major
would be an even bigger bug that would have been picked up during the beta
and RC testing?

I'm more inclined to think that the service escalation is wrong in its
behaviour, but then I could be wrong?


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