Monitoring Hosts without use plugins

Marc Powell marc at
Wed Dec 31 16:23:11 CET 2008

On Dec 31, 2008, at 6:35 AM, Hugo Canalli wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to monitor to see if hosts are UP or DOWN, but my hosts are  
> network devices that can not be installed any plugin for nagios as  
> the NCSA.

Think about how you would determine if the device were up or down and  
find a nagios plugin that checks that remotely. There are many options.

Can you ping it? check_icmp, check_ping, or check_fping.
Does it serve web pages? check_http
Does it listen for ssh connections? check_ssh
Does it listen on any tcp or udp ports? check_tcp or check_udp.
etc, etc, etc...


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