Switching to passive checks instead of activeones?

Anthony Montibello amontibello at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 19:14:41 CEST 2007

I found it is fairly easy to upgrade form active checks to passive checks,

there have been lots of good resposes already,
so I am not sure if my responce is helpful.

but a few notes on how I implement migrating to passive checks,

If I already have the active check in nagios,
I load and test the passive checks on the remote host.
Since nagios can recieve both passive and active checks at the same time,
there should be no downtime in setting this up.
make sure the results make it to the nagios log,

Once satisfied with the passive check results.
then disable the particular Active checks and add the other variables to the
nagios Configuration of that host.

naturally there are cleaner ways of doing this, if you are using the object
templates and inheritence in Nagios config files.

My procedure was how I implement converting a single host from active checks
to passive checks, and I usually run both check types for a while before
turning off the active checks.

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