Nagios Timezone

Israel Brewster israel at
Mon Jan 8 21:07:14 CET 2007

On Jan 8, 2007, at 10:31 AM, Tedman Eng wrote:

> I'm jumping into this a little late, so pardon if this has been
> mentioned already.
> It may be easier to set the timezone for the entire OS rather than  
> just
> individual environments.
> In Redhat-based systems, the system timezone file is called
> "/etc/localtime".  This file is either a symlink or
> a copy of the proper timezone file, located in "/usr/share/zoneinfo/".
> To set "Ancorage time" as the local system time globally, do this:
>    # cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Anchorage /etc/localtime
> Other distributions follow similar convention, though file  
> locations may
> vary slightly.
> -Tedman

Ok, looks like I've got things figured out here. The problem appears  
to stem from Apache being chrooted, specifically that the Nagios  
CGI's, running under the Apache chroot, can't see the /etc/localtime  
file. When I copy the /etc/localtime file to /var/www/etc/localtime  
(inside the Apache chroot), Nagios now shows the correct time.  
Remove /var/www/etc/localtime, and Nagios goes back to showing GMT,  
even without restarting Nagios or Apache. It seems to me that this is  
an issue with the Nagios package distributed with OpenBSD 4.0- that  
file should have been linked into the chroot with the Nagios install,  
just like the /etc/nagios directory was. At any rate, problem solved.  
Thanks for the suggestions and help!

Israel Brewster
Computer Support Technician
Frontier Flying Service INC.
5245 Airport Industrial Rd
Fairbanks, AK 99709

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