remote passive checks

Holger Weiss holger at CIS.FU-Berlin.DE
Tue May 2 03:33:31 CEST 2006

* Tracy R Reed <treed at> [2006-05-01 17:10]:
> I have chosen nsca because I prefer my machines connect to my server
> since some of them may be behind firewalls etc. The problem is how do I
> feed the data into nsca? For some reason it seems that the output from
> the checks that come with nagios (check_disk, check_load, check_swap)
> are not compatible with the input for nsca.

Yes, see the README file included with the NSCA package for a
description of the format.

> Why is this?

For passive checks, the exit code of the plugin and the host/service the
submitted plugin output refers to must be passed to Nagios in addition
to the usual plugin output for active checks.

> I am wondering how I am going to handle configuration and management of
> this wrapper to wrap all of the local checks and configure them
> appropriately for the local machine. The nagios config on the server
> does not apply to remote checks. So basically I have to write a custom
> shell script for each server that calls all of the right checks with the
> right arguments, converts their output, and passes the result into
> send_nsca to the main nagios server.

You could use a wrapper script such as the following (not tested):

This wrapper could be called via the following crontab entry:

 * * * * * /path/to/ diskspace /path/to/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% | /path/to/send_nsca


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