perl module

Terry L. Inzauro tinzauro at
Fri Mar 24 15:43:21 CET 2006

Terry L. Inzauro wrote:
> folks,
> the script is calling for the perl module.  i saw 
> it in the contrib directory, but it isn't using it properly or can't 
> find it.  is that the correct module to use, or is there a cpan module 
> out there that i should grab.
> also, does the /path/to/contrib directory need to be in @INC?
> best regards,
> _Terry
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so, i added  BEGIN{unshift @INC, "/usr/nagios/libexec"} to to append the location of module to @INC and it works, however i get 
the following warnings.

jenna contrib # ./ -l /var/log/messages -s /tmp/seekfile -p error
Name "main::blocks" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::mode" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::uid" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::dev" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::atime" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::gid" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::blksize" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::ctime" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::rdev" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::mtime" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::nlink" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
Name "main::ino" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 115.
OK - No matches found.
jenna contrib #

i'm a novice perl coder and would love to troubleshoot, but my skillz are not worthy ;)


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