Empty hostgroups

joseph.petrucci at wachovia.com joseph.petrucci at wachovia.com
Fri Mar 17 14:51:37 CET 2006

only thing I can think of is the same host can be in multiple hostgroups 
so pick one host already defined and placeit in all empty hostgroups as a 
placeholder then when you put a host in the hstgroup that actually belongs 
remove that placeholder.

Joe Petrucci 
Office: 704-383-6089
Cell : 724-462-0443

James Fidell <james at cloud9.co.uk> 
Sent by: nagios-users-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
03/17/2006 08:43 AM

nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net

[Nagios-users] Empty hostgroups

Is there an easy way to make nagios v2 not care if a hostgroup
is empty?

I'm migrating a live configuration from v1 to v2 at the same time
as correcting some errors and adding functionality and have it would
be useful to have all the hostgroups in the configuration files before
adding all the hosts.

Is it liable to cause pain if I change the code to warn about empty
hostgroups rather than fail with an error?


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