Potential bug in avail.cgi/Nagios 2.0.

Steve Shipway s.shipway at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Mar 7 01:30:36 CET 2006

> The problem is the too large values of time_down_unscheduled 
> and the fact that the total_time_down is not the sum of sched 
> and unsched downtime.

We get this as well, and it is a big nuisance.  It looks very much like
someone is using signed integers when they should be using unsigned, or
vice-versa.  We have had to revert to using an in-house tool to calculate

I am using Nagios 1.2 -- I don't really want to modify the code since we're
likely to move up to 2.0 in a few months time, once it is out of beta and
generally stable.


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