Potential bug in avail.cgi/Nagios 2.0.

Stanley.Hopcroft at Dest.gov.au Stanley.Hopcroft at Dest.gov.au
Tue Mar 7 00:30:33 CET 2006

Dear Folks,

I am writing to report a peculiar behaviour of the availability CGI with
Nagios 2.0

Firstly, I think the avail.cgi is a wonderful beast that turns the
Nagios logs into a very useful and desirable data source.

My reporting requirements are down times minus any down time scheduled.

I guess that total_time_down is in fact the sum of time_down_scheduled
and time_down_unscheduled.

But for some of my availability data (last month), I see (with an
unpublished SQL interface on top).

  DB<29> p $SQL
SELECT host_name, total_time_down, time_down_scheduled,
time_down_unscheduled FROM tab_24x7 where total_time_down > 0 and
time_down_unscheduled > 10000
  DB<30> $s = $d->prepare($SQL)

  DB<31> $s->execute           

  DB<32> $s->dump_results      
'Lismore_Optus_router_PE_interface', '96712', '0', '96712'
'MTASW203', '800', '10000', '4294958096'
'TODSW210', '429', '6771', '4294960954'
'TRASW202', '200', '7000', '4294960496'
'TRASW203', '1392', '5808', '4294962880'
'TRASW204', '1092', '6108', '4294962280'
6 rows

The problem is the too large values of time_down_unscheduled and the
fact that the
total_time_down is not the sum of sched and unsched downtime.

In this case, downtime was scheduled for the TOD\w+ and TRA\w+ hosts
(the Lismore entry is correct BTW).

What can I provide that may help the investigation progress ?

Yours sincerely.

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