An email on acknowledge, and onlyonacknowledge? Nagios and RT

Jason Truong Jason.Truong at
Thu Sep 1 21:22:16 CEST 2005

Hello folks...

We just implemented RT at our site but its on a different box than the
Nagios server.  Where can I find this patch to Nagios for RT.  The site
I am looking at:

Only works if Nagios and RT are on the same machine.

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you, 

Jason Truong
Plumtree Software
500 Sansome Street Suite 100
San Francisco, CA  94111
email: jason.truong at
phone: (415) 399-7006

-----Original Message-----
From: nagios-users-admin at
[mailto:nagios-users-admin at] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:20 AM
To: Nathan Oyler
Cc: Nagios Users
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] An email on acknowledge, and
onlyonacknowledge? Nagios and RT

Hi Nathan,

> Because if when there's a problem, a notification is sent. A ticket is
> opened.
> Now an hour goes by, and the problem still exists, so another
> notification is sent. Another ticket is opened.
> Now a recovery message is sent. Another ticket is opened.

It's easy enough to write your handler so that no email is sent unless
the message type is ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.

> There's already a patch to Nagios to call the RT api during
> acknowledgements, but my RT machine isn't my Nagios machine, and I
> know enough of anything other than perl to edit it to do as I wish.

perl -i -pe 's/localhost/my.rt.server/g' api-script.c


> There's also writing handlers to merge tickets when they come in, if
> alert comes in, search for if a ticket is created for this host, grab
> that ticket number, send the new alert to comment on the ticket.

This is much trickier. Basically you need to write a mail handler that
gets the responses from RT, captures the ticket number, and associates
it in some way with a permanent record of the problem (maybe hostname +
service name). It's been discussed in the past, you could check the
archives. But it sounds like more than you need.

> This is how I'm leaning if I find nothing else out, but I'm thinking
> just on an acknowledge if a ticket was open, that would make sense.

Cheers, Chris.
(aidworld) chris wilson | chief engineer (chris at

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