Max number of services that can be monitored ?

Rob Moss robmossrm at
Fri Oct 14 17:21:26 CEST 2005

misc at wrote:

> <>Hi Rob,

>>>With embedded Perl enabled, I was getting memory leaks which was
>>>eventually crashing the Nagios server so I disabled it.
>>Which version of perl, and what platform? x86? sparc?
>>Older versions of perl (pre 5.6) had some problems being compiled in to
>>apps such as mod_perl and stuff, but 5.6.1 or above "should" be fine.
>>Memory leaks in Solaris wouldn't surprise me, but any of the Linuxes or
>>BSD's would..  I'm runing Solaris 8 Sparc with Perl 5.6.1 builtin
>>without any known leaks..
>perl 5.8.0 on redhat es 3 update 5 x86... My memory was decreasing over
>time crashing the server, at my end, disabling embedded perl seemed to fix
>the prob...

Okay, according to the Perl website, you're running Perl 5.8.0 
Pre-Release. Go bleeding edge, nice one Redhat!

This would probably have quite a few known bugs and possibly memory leaks.
I recommend that you update your version of Perl, to 5.8.7 which is the 
latest stable version (anything above that is experimental).  Or you 
could downgrade to a trusty version of Perl 5.6.x


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