Host Notification Problem

Lee Wilson lee.wilson at
Wed Oct 5 13:52:55 CEST 2005

I've got a bit of a problem with Nagios 1.2 on Debian, in that HOST DOWN
notifications are not being sent, the recovery notifications come though
My Host configuration is as follows:-
define host {
 use uk-default-host
 host_name ukhost01
 alias    UKHOST01
 parents  uk-upper-isa-hub,uk-upper-hp-2650
 notification_period    workhours
 notification_options   d,u,r
 notifications_enabled  1
 stalking_options       o,d,u
 max_check_attempts 5
 check_command check-host-alive
 retain_status_information    1
 retain_nonstatus_information 1
 flap_detection_enabled       0
 event_handler_enabled        0
The contacts are setup to receive all notifications as from the
following template(work hours is the builtin 0900-1700):-
define contact {
  register 0
  name          tpl-std-contact
  alias         TEMPLATE Standard Contact
  service_notification_period workhours
  host_notification_period    workhours
  service_notification_options w,u,c,r
  host_notification_options    d,u,r
  service_notification_commands notify-by-email
  host_notification_commands    host-notify-by-email

All hosts also have a ping service setup, which doesn't send any
notifications out either if the host is down.  If the host is up but the
ping response is very slow then the appopriate warning/critical
notification does go out.
I'm sure that I'm just missing something simple, but cannot figure it
out.  Thanks in advance for any help.



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