Upgrading to the newest beta version (v 2.0b3) from v 2.0b2

sma nagios nagiossma at gmail.com
Fri May 20 19:41:39 CEST 2005

I read through the documentation and didn't really find any useful
information about upgrading.  I read the "UPGRADING" file in the
nagios-2.0b3 tarball, and that was no help either.

I upgraded my nagios system from version 2.0b2 to version 2.0b3 this
morning and I just wanted to verify that I did it properly.  The OS
running Nagios is Slackware v10.1. This is what I did to upgrade:

1. Downloaded Nagios 2.0b3 tarball from the nagios site.
2. Stopped the Nagios process (/etc/rc.d/nagios stop).
3. Unziped, untared and all that stuff to the tarball.
4. Entered the "nagios-2.0b3" directory.
5. Ran "./configure" then "make all" then "make install" and then
"make install-init" (all went well)
6. Restarted the Nagios process (/etc/rc.d/nagios restart).

After all that, everything is working fine.  On the main web page, it
shows "Version 2.0b3" in red.  And when I check the "Event Log" when I
restarted the process it says, "[05-20-2005 11:36:08] Nagios 2.0b3
starting... (PID=4345)."  This is good because before the upgrade it
would say Nagios 2.0b2 starting.  So it seems that it did do some kind
of upgrade, but did I miss anything.  Is this how you guys upgrade to
the newest beta version??

Thanks for any feedback you can give.

Dustin Patterson
NC State University Student Media
Systems Administrator

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