Latency problems

Steve Shipway s.shipway at
Thu Mar 24 00:02:58 CET 2005

Hello all.

I have some problems with Latency on my system (Nagios 1.2).  Things start
off OK, but the latency builds up until after a few days it is >120sec,
which is getting a bit unworkable.  I'm not sure why it is rising like this,
so maybe someone has an idea?

I have 1555 active checks (most at 5min frequency, but some at 1 or 15 or
event 60 min frequency) and 19 passive.  There are 303 hosts.

nagios.cfg settings:


System is a 4-cpu 2Gb Linux server, and is running at a normal load average
<2 and CPU average usage of 50%. No swap activity to speak of and lots of
spare memory, so it could easily cope with running more service checks.

If I do a nagios reload every day then the latency remains relatively low,
but this is not exactly ideal.  What could be causing things to get so far
out of alignment?  How come it doesn't kick off all the checks in the queue
immediately?  Should I reduce sleep_time to 0?  Maybe concurrent_checks
should be higher?


Steve Shipway: ITSS, University of Auckland
Email: s.shipway at  Web:  
** We can only discover new oceans when we have the **
** courage to lose sight of the shore.              **
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