alternative view to status map

Gili Lapid GiliL at
Sun Mar 6 12:19:57 CET 2005

Hi all,
I have nagios 1.2. I have more then 200 hosts and the view of the normal
status map is just to "crowded". Of course I use "parents" in hosts.cfg, but
the objects are too close to each other (specially in the first circle), so
it make it very hard to look for a specific host in this "mess"...
I tried to change the "CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS", but the map grow too big.
It is too difficult to find something in a large image...
Is there a tool/way to change the view of the map so it will be draw as
areas and when I click on the area I'll drill down into it? something like
big brother ?
I tried to use the "2d_coords" in the hostextinfo.cfg, but this only work in
"user-supplied coords" (and in this I need to add all my hosts). Is there a
tool to do this graphically? 
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