Is there a SQL Plugin

Paul L. Allen pla at
Sun Jun 26 23:15:15 CEST 2005

Andreas Ericsson writes: 

> Paul L. Allen wrote:

>> Do you happen to know of anything that isn't effectively a database that
>> accepts SQL queries?
> No, but I can think of a few applications where it might make sense to 
> implement a subset of ANSI SQL.

There might be some, but the fact that there aren't any which do implement
a subset of ANSI SQL and that it would have to be a subset indicates that
Daniel's original statement that SQL is a database language is currently

>>  I don't (but I admit I don't know everything).  I
>> have to say that I find it difficult to conceive of doing left and right
>> joins, for example, on something that wasn't effectively a database or
>> had a mode of operation in which it was effectively acting as a database.
> A textfile is a database. Neither relational nor structured, but still a 
> database, of sorts.

ODBM, NDBM, GDMB and DB are all databases.  Not relational or structured,
but they are indexed (which a textfile is not, unless it is sorted by
primary key and has fixed-length records so you can use a simple binary
chop to seek the desired record).  You can, with sufficient code, use ODBM,
etc. (and even a textfile) as a relational DB.  Except in simple cases it
would be more sensible to use a real RDBM.  It would not be sensible in
the general case to add an SQL parser and the fiddles needed to use (say)
GDBM as a relational DB rather than using a real relational DB. 

>> I could talk to the postman in SQL, but I doubt he'd understand me or
>> give me an answer if he did.
> It might be fun to try. If he/she is a closet-nerd you might even get an 
> answer.

And if he isn't then he'll think it's some kind of obscure insult and hit
me.  "Query not understood" around these parts tends to come with a return
code of "broken nose." 

Paul Allen
Softflare Support 

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