Nagios themes.

Paul L. Allen pla at
Wed Jun 22 17:24:54 CEST 2005

Mark Musone writes: 

> Oh, sorry i apologise, i did find a single email that was posted
> yesterday by yes, the _real_ duplicate posting today was a
> bad on his part

Thanks for the apology about that - many people would have stayed silent
rather than admit to an error. 

> (obvously not imnsho enough for your childish rant and

As you said, that is a matter of opinion rather than of fact. 

> your ignorant display of how "smart" you are compared to others)..

I believe that making posts that demonstrate a lack of knowledge or
understanding on my part is something to be avoided, which means that
I try to post intelligently if I can do so or refrain from posting if
I cannot.  There are already plenty of people whose posts display how
stupid they are, so if you don't like intelligent posts you can read those

> The rest of my message still stands.

Which I didn't bother responding to earlier.  But since I'm posting to
acknowledge your apology (because I think people should admit to errors
and would like to encourage such behaviour), I might as well deal with
your earlier message. 

>> I fail to see how: 
>> #1 he has made duplicate posts for this question. Barring an obvious
>> mail server problem that was not intentional, he most likely did not
>> intend on posts this question multiple times.

"He most likely did not intend"?  How do you reach that conclusion?  At
least once a week some new user appears here and does deliberately post
the same thing several times a couple of hours apart because he expected
his free "support base" (as somebody else called it) to respond instantly.
The odds are very much in favour that, unless the dupes were caused by
the well-known SMTP race hazard (in which case they would all have
identical message IDs and identical timestamps from the first SMTP
server in the chain), the multiple posts were intentional. 

His response to my post lends further support to that statistical
conclusion.  Along with a few insults, he stated that I didn't know if
there was a valid reason for those multiple posts.  What he was trying to
imply, of course, was that there was such a reason.  However, since his
post insulted me and called me stupid then surely the best way of proving
exactly how stupid I am would be to post that valid reason.  "Here's why
there were multiple posts, you didn't even consider that possibility, so
you're an idiot."  He could have made me look really stupid by giving his
valid reason and I would have had to apologize for my stupidity.  So
why didn't he do that? 

>>  #2 how this is a FAQ, or RTFM or even google answer. nowhere in the
>> nagios documentation do i see "themes" or locations where to get
>> themes for nagios.

Did I tell him to look at the documentation for themes?  I don't recall
doing so.  I did tell somebody else who thought the mailing list should
be the first place people should look if they wanted to evaluate Nagios
that reading the documentation and setting up a test installation ought
to be the first things people try and looking on the list should be
the last thing they try. 

>> so how in the world is this a "dont bother me..look up the answer
>> yourself" response?

Again, I don't recall telling him to look at the documentation to find
out where to get themes.  However, if he had looked at the documentation
he'd have found out where Nagios add-ons live, which would have led him
to a couple of alternative web interfaces/modifications to the existing
web interface.  A google search would have turned up others.  I assumed
that he had already done at least one of those things because he had
already found one theme for Nagios, which is why I didn't tell him to look
up the answer himself.  His question was not out of place here, it was the
number of times he asked it that was the problem. 

>> This may not of the caliber of question that meets your such high
>> expectations,

Correct.  You made one factual error (there really were multiple posts)
and you also conflated two posts of mine in order to accuse me of
something I did not do (telling him to look at the docs to find themes). 

>> but, in short get the hell over it and learn that you're not the
>> center of the universe.

I would suggest that those who don't get their facts straight before
leaping in to flame somebody are more egocentric than I am because they
are confident that they can form a correct opinion without investigating
the evidence. 

Paul Allen
Softflare Support 

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