Duplicate IPs

Chris Wilson chris at aidworld.org
Tue Apr 12 12:14:52 CEST 2005

Hi Priya,

> I have to monitor many networks with possibly duplicate IPs.
> I can use a NAT/PAT implementation to avoid duplicates but this only
> works on the IP header not the actual payload which will retain the
> original IP.Does anyone know how Nagios can handle this?

As far as I know, most Nagios plugins will check over TCP connections
and not need to know about internal IP addresses, so you can use NAT
just fine. 

If you need to run some plugin that does care about internal IP
addresses, you can use gateway hosts running the NRPE daemon to run your
checks inside each network, and have those gateways polled by the master
server using check_nrpe; or use distributed monitoring, as Andreas

Cheers, Chris.
(aidworld) chris wilson | chief engineer (chris at aidworld.org)

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