New Module IDEA

joerg.helmert at joerg.helmert at
Wed Mar 24 01:08:58 CET 2004

==> lots of text from previous mail snipped!!!
> joerg.helmert at wrote:
> > Hi Jeff,
> > 
> > 
> There is however the issue of different warning levels. The root 
> partition, which shouldn't really be written to much, needn't 
> be checked 
> with such strict options. Any data-gathering partitions needs be with 
> stricter threshholds. How do you separate those?
Didn't play with check_disk yet.
As said, trying something simpler for me to learn... ;-)
There I pass something I call mode, what to check
==> -m mf,sf   for check memory free and swap free.
Thresholds then are also passed as list
==> -m mf,sf -w 80,30 -c 90,40   (just some numbers, no real values)

Of course it wouldn't be fun to pass a lot of mountpoints and thresholds
that way.
Mabe I would go via config file then...
I currently pass up to 9 modes/warninglimits/criticallimits that way.
> > html-table.
> BAAAAD idea. If plugin output gets cut short, you get a 
> twisted table in 
> the web-interface windows. If this exceeds 99 levels, some 
> web-browsers 
> (MSIE) will crash.
> Also, if output exceeds 2048 chars without \n, 'undocumented 
> things' may 
> happen.

Correct, learned it the hard way ;-)
One of these sap-plugins easily creates 70 kBytes of output...
MSIE didn't crash. Guess I didn't reach 99 levels.
I would see this as an additional task for the plugin, to check its output
Of course one has to think about how to handle the missed informtion cause
the plugin will suppress something if it limits its output itself.

But I really like, seeing colorized what is important and gray whats less
Anyway, I don't see this as the one and only approach, just an option...

> The buffer Nagios uses to read this in is 2048 bytes wide to 
> start with. 
> I don't think it's any smaller in the cgi's, but if you didn't check, 
> parsing the logs might make the cgi's crash.
Following values from nagios 2.0a
changed MAX_INPUT_BUFFER 1024   (common.h)
and MAX_PLUGINOUTPUT_LENGTH 350 (objects.h)
Otherwise output was truncated ==> the mentioned uggly table ;-)
Saw others on the list doing this without mentioning problems.
Gave me the idea what values to change...

Currently no problems in the cgi's, but didn't check all the availability
and trend cgi's.

But I wouldn't want to increase far beyond 2048...
Therfore I would limit this to arround 10 or so checks per service
Just good enough for some memory values or my APC-UPSes or some disks or...
Really not perfect for lots of URLs...
> > One thing at the end:
> > I think the approach with a shell script checking urls one 
> by one has 
> > one
> > Solution would be, to run the checks in parallel.
> > Do you think it is woth the effort?
> No. Nagios runs checks in parallell as it is, so moving all that to a 
> script which doesn't seems a bit silly to me. For disks I can 
> agree, but 
> that can be done with the use of one of two things;
> A) a single snmpwalk down the . tree.
> B) a check performed remotely, which effectively removes load
> from the 
> server running the nagios core, and saves the time it takes to do the 
> networking / handshaking part of NRPE / SSH / RSH or whatnot.
True, of course.
But if you decide to use "multichecks", then you break nagios' smart
scheduling. So using things like that might force you to reimplement things,
nagios is already doing...

You see, I like that colorization that much, that I would agree to several
Just me, maybe not mainstream...



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