Database Support - with historical data

Dhawal Doshy dhawal at
Thu Mar 4 14:04:21 CET 2004

Well actually we also intend on storing only statusdata.. looks like 
we'll have to do with a small query every minute and dump the data into 
another table.. (which is a very bad idea)
Is it advisable to move to postgres (on solaris 8) and also is it 
possible for you to share this trigger thingy?

- dhawal

Marc Powell wrote:

>Dhawal Doshy <mailto:dhawal at> wrote:
>>I notice that nagios compiled with mysql support stores only the
>>latest value of host / service status in the servicestatus /
>>hoststatus tables?  
>>Is there a way to change this behavior, i'd like to retain the data
>>as samples for historical reports etc.. 
>Not from within Nagios directly. We use Postgres and have created a
>trigger that copies the data to a history table on update or insert into
>servicestatus (all we care about for historical purposes is service
>status, not host status). I don't believe mysql supports triggers but
>perhaps there is something that is functionally equivalent?
>>I have seen the retention data table but wasn't able to make much
>>sense out of it. 
>That's used when you shut down Nagios so it can remember the status host
>hosts and services when it restarts (assuming you have configured Nagios
>to do so).
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