R: Icon disappear after using MYSQL for XDATA

Andreoni Antonella andreoni at ksolutions.it
Wed Aug 4 13:12:50 CEST 2004

Nagios will read xdata from MySQL DB tables so you have to insert your xdata in hostextinfo table in your MySQL DB
you have to connect to your DB, you should find a table called hostextinfo  (and also serviceextinfo)
mysql> describe hostextinfo;
| Field          | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| host_name      | varchar(75)  |      |     |         |       |
| notes_url      | varchar(128) |      |     |         |       |
| icon_image     | varchar(32)  |      |     |         |       |
| vrml_image     | varchar(32)  |      |     |         |       |
| gd2_icon_image | varchar(32)  |      |     |         |       |
| icon_image_alt | varchar(128) |      |     |         |       |
| x_2d           | int(11)      |      |     | -1      |       |
| y_2d           | int(11)      |      |     | -1      |       |
| x_3d           | double(16,4) |      |     | -1.0000 |       |
| y_3d           | double(16,4) |      |     | -1.0000 |       |
| z_3d           | double(16,4) |      |     | -1.0000 |       |
| have_2d_coords | tinyint(4)   |      |     | 0       |       |
| have_3d_coords | tinyint(4)   |      |     | 0       |       |
13 rows in set (0.02 sec)
then you have to insert your xdata for all your hosts
this is an example of insert command for one of my hosts
mysql> insert into hostextinfo values ('PESM0005','http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/cgi-bin/PESM0005-rrd.cgi/PESM0005_se00_locIfInOutBitsSec/','router40.png','','router40.gd2','PESM0005',200,200,100.0,100.0,300.0,100,100);
if you have lots of hosts I suggest you to write a text file with insert commands for all your hosts and input it to mysql
hope this helps
Antonella Andreoni
System Engineer
Via Lenin, 132/26
56017 San Martino Ulmiano (PI) - Italy
Tel. +39 50 898111
Fax +39 50 861200
E-mail: andreoni at ksolutions.it
http://www.ksolutions.it <http://www.ksolutions.it/> 


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Christopher D. Chandler [mailto:chris at dhinnovations.com]
Inviato: martedì 3 agosto 2004 23.57
A: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Oggetto: [Nagios-users] Icon disappear after using MYSQL for XDATA

To Nagios Support:


I have recently complied the nagios bin to use MYSQL for xdata upon doing so I have lost all my icons for my status map. All the host have a black question mark on top of them. Can anyone help get my icons back. Below are the configuration files that I am using. 


Thanks - Chris




./configure  --disable-statuswrl --enable-embedded-perl --with-perlcache --with-file-perfdata --with-mysql-xdata








# DH01 Description

define hostextinfo{

        host_name               dh01

        icon_image              win40.jpg

        icon_image_alt          DH01

        vrml_image              win40.jpg

        statusmap_image         win40.jpg

        gd2_image               win40.jpg

        register                1



# DH02 Description

define hostextinfo{

        host_name               dh02

        icon_image              win40.jpg

        icon_image_alt          DH02

        vrml_image              win40.jpg

        statusmap_image         win40.jpg

        gd2_image               win40.jpg

        register                1



# DH03 Description

define hostextinfo{

        host_name               dh03

        icon_image              redhat.jpg

        icon_image_alt          DH03

        vrml_image              redhat.jpg

        statusmap_image         redhat.jpg

        gd2_image               redhat.jpg

        register                1



# DH04 Description

define hostextinfo{

        host_name               dh04

        icon_image              redhat.jpg

        icon_image_alt          DH01

        vrml_image              redhat.jpg

        statusmap_image         redhat.jpg

        gd2_image               redhat.jpg

        register                1



Christopher D. Chandler    Managing Partner

Office: 919-481-9876
Mobile: 919-274-7684                              


 <mailto:chris at dhinnovations.com> chris at dhinnovations.com


DH Innovations, LLC
Post Office Box 5335 | Cary, North Carolina 27512


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