Notification issue

Charles Lacour Clacour at
Fri Apr 23 22:56:40 CEST 2004

>>> "Mueller, Karl" <KMueller at> 04/23/04 03:04PM >>>

Another option is to create contacts with these options set that only
exist for those services you're talking about.  In other words, your
regular contacts handle most services, but your duplicate contacts
handle the "warnings only" or "critical only" emails.

>>> Karl

Yes, I know I could do that. That's precisely what I want to avoid, if
possible. It would basically mean having to create an email contact
and a pager contact for every contact I'm going to have. (And every
time I add a new one, I have to do the same thing.)

Worse, all of my services entries have to carefully be set with the
appropriate one.

If at all possible, I want to set up one script, or one configuration 
parameter, so that I can set up my monitors as simply as possible
(and set up contacts as simply as possible) from that point on.

Actually, phrasing it that way gave me an idea. I might be able
to do something in the mail handler, since ordinary mail and
pages both go out as email. 

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