Solved: Pluggin - Exit code always 1

Mark Snyder Mark.Snyder at
Tue Sep 23 21:24:09 CEST 2003

My apologies for wasting bandwith with this problem.  Everything that 
is shown works 100%.  The problem was with a spawned process that 
gave the exit code of 1.

Mark Snyder

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Snyder 

I am not sure what is meant by "cast to integers".  
If you could please explain.

Setting the exit code to exit 0; does not work either.

I modified the code to print out the value of "$ERRORS{$result}". 
Below is the test output and the relevant part of the code.

Test Output:
./check_ssp -w 30 -c 33; echo $?
0 - OK - E10K Temperature at: 26.1 (Waring:30 Critical:33)

./check_ssp -w 20 -c 33; echo $?
1 - WARNING - E10K Temperature at: 26.1 (Waring:20 Critical:33)

./check_ssp -w 20 -c 23; echo $?
2 - CRITICAL - E10K Temperature at: 26.1 (Waring:20 Critical:23)

Relevant Code

$result = 'OK';

if ($temp > $warning) {
        $result = 'WARNING';
if ($temp > $critical) {
        $result = 'CRITICAL';

print "$ERRORS{$result} - $result - E10K Temperature at: $temp (Waring:$warning Critical:$critical)\n";
exit $ERRORS{$result};

-----Original Message-----
From: Karl DeBisschop [mailto:karl at]

In perl, when the words WARNING and CRITICAL are cast to integers, 1 is
the result.


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