Nagios failing to check services

Matt Pounsett matt.pounsett at
Tue Sep 16 18:37:57 CEST 2003

On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, Jason Lancaster wrote:

> I'd begin by investigating dependencies (It sounds to me like you are 
> using them) Are you suppressing checks if a master service is down? If 
> you are, that might be a big problem.

No, I haven't got to the point of testing dependancies yet.  I've got (what I
believe is) a very simple setup checking 67 services on 13 hosts.   The
closest I've got to using any sort of dependancies is to set appropriate
'parents' for my hosts.

I've been doing more poking around, and I've found that after about 15 minutes
up and running, Nagios begins to log a lot of stale service errors.  My log
between midnight and 10am today (when I restarted Nagios last) consisted of
about 58% 'stale service' and 'orphan' error messages.  Many of the
'rescheduled' checks were never being executed.

It seems almost as if there's a resources issue, but aside from the web
server, Nagios is the only thing running on this 1.2GHz PIII.. it only has
256MB of RAM, but only about 150MB is used and there's still all that swap...

Anyway, I posted most of my main configuration.  If this /is/ a config error
on my part, I'd sure like to know what it is.  I'll be happy to provide
further details of the config to anyone who has any specific questions to ask.
I've already supplied all the stuff that looks relevant to me.

Thanks Jason,

Matt Pounsett                 CIRA - Canadian Internet Registration Authority
Technical Support Programmer                    350 Sparks Street, Suite 1110
matt.pounsett at                                 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
613.237.5335 ext. 231                            

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