error with plugin 1.30

Rico Ortiz ortizri at
Tue May 13 22:37:49 CEST 2003

I am new to Linux so please be kind. I installed nagios which went smoothly. Now having problems install the nagios-plugin. 
following the instructions (the "install" readme) 
half way through the "make all" phase I start getting errors 1st error states - "/usr/include/openssl/kssl.h: no such file or directory included from /user/include/openss1/ss1.h:179, from check_http.c:146"
>From that point on it goes down hill with a bunch of "parse errors before x"  
With x= some statement. 
Can anyone help me, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.. 

Rico Ortiz
Information Systems & Technologies
Voice 973-972-0327

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