statusmap.cgi takes more than 60 seconds to render

John Marrett jmarrett at
Thu Mar 27 23:12:42 CET 2003

I am in the process of configuring Nagios for the first time. I am running
the latest version (1.0) on a powerful Pentium 166.

I have configured some parts of my network totaling about 80 hosts. I am now
attempting to change the icons for the systems in the status map. I have
created a xedtemplate_config_file and put records similar to the following
for all my systems.

define hostextinfo {
        host_name               swrtant1
        icon_image              cisco-switch.png
        statusmap_image         cisco-switch.png

It now takes more than 60 seconds to generate the statusmap.

I tried gd2 files created using the following command:
pngtogd2 cisco-switch.png cisco-switch.gd2 64 1 and they show up as question
marks. I believe I may be having some gd2 image compatability problems.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve the time it takes to draw the

If a hardware upgrade is required what type of machine will I need to
monitor my entire network (~200 systems, approximately 10 different types
with corresponding images).

Thanks for your help,

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