Ongoing Apache/Nagios config problems...

Jarett DeAngelis Jarett_DeAngelis at
Tue Jan 28 15:57:30 CET 2003


I tried this (even added nagios to apache and apache to nagios), but in the process of checking my httpd logs discovered that I appear to have hosed my network when trying to set my hostname.

Also, I did not find mod_basic_auth (or mod_auth_basic) in the Package Installer's list.

And the Nagios docs say AllowOverride should be AuthConfig, not All.  Is this incorrect?

Why was I never given the opportunity to set my hostname in Red Hat's setup program, and what is the Right Way to do it now?  As it is I cannot bring the network up with /etc/init.d/network start.

>>> "Olivier Beauchemin (Budget-Tech IT Consulting)" <ofb at> 01/26/03 08:55PM >>>
Add apache to the nagios group, restart the webserver, and restart nagios.
See if there's still a problem... Also, there's a mod_basic_auth that you
might want to try...

You also made sure that Allow Override is "All", right?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jarett DeAngelis" <Jarett_DeAngelis at>
To: <nagios-users at>
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 5:56 PM
Subject: [Nagios-users] Apache config problem continues...

Hi again, everyone -

So I tried installing the mod_auth_pgsql package AND change the permissions
to nagios/nagios on the .htaccess files.  Changing the permissions didn't
help, and installing mod_auth_pgsql seems to make it so that httpd can't
start up.  Any ideas?  Are we sure the permissions should be nagios/nagios?
  Shouldn't it be apache/apache?  Or am I not grasping something here?


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