New plugin: check_sensors

Richard Colley rcolley at
Thu Jan 16 01:17:16 CET 2003

I've got a simple perl script for checking CPU temp and any other variable
output by the lm_sensors package.  But it doesn't really conform to the
Nagios plugin guidelines.  I'd be really happy if anyone was interested in
making it conform.  Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do this.  Feel
free to use it anyway.

The general usage is:

	check_sensors <chip> <field1> <disp1> <warn1> <crit1> ....

'field1' is the name of the field output by 'sensors'.
'disp1' is what to print back to nagios as the name of this field.
'warn1' is an expression that defines when a warning will be generated for
this field
'crit1' is an expression that defines when a critical will be generated for
this field

The 'warn1' and 'crit1' values can be numbers e.g. '35.5' or expressions
e.g. '<20'.  No attempt is made to ensure the warning and critical
expressions are logically consistent.

Output is a single line with the values of each of the sensor checks
requested, and an indication if they are above the critical or warning

An example:

	check_sensors via686a-isa-0c00 'CPU Temp' 'CPU Temp' 38 42 'SYS
Temp' 'SYS Temp' 30 35 'CPU core' 'CPU core' '<=1.80' '<1.79' 'CPU Fan' 'CPU
Fan' '<3500' '<3000'

... Generates a warning if CPU temp >=38, and critical if >=42 ... Generates
a warning if SYS temp >=30, and critical if >=35 ... Generates a warning if
CPU core V <=1.80, and critical if <1.79 ... Generates a warning if CPU fan
RPM <3500, and critical if <3000

The output generated for the above would be something like:

	CPU core=1.67(C<1.79):CPU Fan=5625:SYS Temp=30.1:CPU Temp=34.3:

An obvious extension is to use nagios performance data logging output
format.  But alas, no time ;-}

Feel free to email with questions.  (Please - no flames on my poor Perl
coding - I know it's bad :-)


---------------- check_sensors

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# check sensors according to lm_sensors output
# (c)2003 Richard Colley <Richard.Colley at>
# License: GPL v2

#### Some paths



sub usage {
	my ($msg) = shift;
	print "$msg\n";
	print "Usage: $progname <chip> <field1> <disp1> <warn threshold1>
<critical threshold1> ...\n";
	print "\twhere:\t<chip> corresponds to an entry in
	print "\t\t<field1> is the name of a field output by 'sensors'\n";
	print "\t\t<disp1> is a string to use while displaying this
	print "\t\t<warn threshold1> is the warning threshold value of the
field output by 'sensors'\n";
	print "\t\t<critical threshold1> is the critical threshold value of
the field output by 'sensors'\n";
	print "\t\tmultiple triples are permitted\n";
	print "\n\t\tNB: a threshold value can be optionally prefixed by an
operator character.\n";
	print "\t\tValid operators are currently '>', '<', '==', '>=', '<='.
The default is '>='.\n";
	print "\t\t\te.g. if the warn threshold is <30, then a warning is
raised if the value is less than 30.\n";
	print "\t\tNo attempt is made to ensure the resultant logic is

if( $#ARGV < 4 ) {
	usage "Not enough args";

shift @ARGV;

while( $#ARGV >= 3 ) {



	$ARGV[$i] =~ /^([=<>]*)([0-9.]+)/ or usage "Invalid warning
threshold format: $ARGV[$i]";
	$warn = $2;
	$warnop = $1 ne "" ? $1 : ">=";

	$ARGV[$i] =~ /^([=<>]*)([0-9.]+)/ or usage "Invalid critical
threshold format: $ARGV[$i]";
	$critical = $2;
	$criticalop = $1 ne "" ? $1 : ">=";

	$config{ $field } = [ $fieldDisp, $warn, $warnop, $critical,
$criticalop ];

	shift @ARGV;
	shift @ARGV;
	shift @ARGV;
	shift @ARGV;

sub eval_simple {
	my( $value, $op, $threshold ) = @_;
	eval "$value $op $threshold";

$retcode = $RC_OK;

open( SENSOR, "$SENSOR_PROG $chip|" ) or usage "Failed to run
$SENSOR_PROG\n"; while( <SENSOR> ) {
	if( /^([^:]+)[^0-9]*([0-9.]+)/ ) {
		$field = $1;
		$value = $2;
		if( defined( $config{ $field } ) ) {
			$fieldDisp = ${$config{ $field }}[0];
			$warn = ${$config{ $field }}[1];
			$warnop = ${$config{ $field }}[2];
			$critical = ${$config{ $field }}[3];
			$criticalop = ${$config{ $field }}[4];

			$output .= "$fieldDisp=$value";

			if( eval_simple( $value, $criticalop, $critical ) )
				$output .= "(C$criticalop$critical)";
				$retcode = $RC_CRITICAL;
			} elsif( $retcode == $RC_OK and eval_simple( $value,
$warnop, $warn ) ) {
				$output .= "(W$warnop$warn)";
				$retcode = $RC_WARN;
			$output .= ";";
close( SENSOR );

print "$output\n";
exit $retcode;

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 I've got a simple perl script for checking CPU temp and any other variable
output by the lm_sensors package.  But it doesn't really conform to the
Nagios plugin guidelines.  I'd be really happy if anyone was interested in
making it conform.  Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do this.  Feel
free to use it anyway.

The general usage is:

	check_sensors <chip> <field1> <disp1> <warn1> <crit1> ....

'field1' is the name of the field output by 'sensors'.
'disp1' is what to print back to nagios as the name of this field. 'warn1'
is an expression that defines when a warning will be generated for this
field 'crit1' is an expression that defines when a critical will be
generated for this field

The 'warn1' and 'crit1' values can be numbers e.g. '35.5' or expressions
e.g. '<20'.  No attempt is made to ensure the warning and critical
expressions are logically consistent.

Output is a single line with the values of each of the sensor checks
requested, and an indication if they are above the critical or warning

An example:

	check_sensors via686a-isa-0c00 'CPU Temp' 'CPU Temp' 38 42 'SYS
Temp' 'SYS Temp' 30 35 'CPU core' 'CPU core' '<=1.80' '<1.79' 'CPU Fan' 'CPU
Fan' '<3500' '<3000'

... Generates a warning if CPU temp >=38, and critical if >=42 ... Generates
a warning if SYS temp >=30, and critical if >=35 ... Generates a warning if
CPU core V <=1.80, and critical if <1.79 ... Generates a warning if CPU fan
RPM <3500, and critical if <3000

The output generated for the above would be something like:

	CPU core=1.67(C<1.79):CPU Fan=5625:SYS Temp=30.1:CPU Temp=34.3:

An obvious extension is to use nagios performance data logging output
format.  But alas, no time ;-}

Feel free to email with questions.  (Please - no flames on my poor Perl
coding - I know it's bad :-)


---------------- check_sensors

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# check sensors according to lm_sensors output
# (c)2003 Richard Colley <Richard.Colley at>
# License: GPL v2

#### Some paths



sub usage {
	my ($msg) = shift;
	print "$msg\n";
	print "Usage: $progname <chip> <field1> <disp1> <warn threshold1>
<critical threshold1> ...\n";
	print "\twhere:\t<chip> corresponds to an entry in
	print "\t\t<field1> is the name of a field output by 'sensors'\n";
	print "\t\t<disp1> is a string to use while displaying this
	print "\t\t<warn threshold1> is the warning threshold value of the
field output by 'sensors'\n";
	print "\t\t<critical threshold1> is the critical threshold value of
the field output by 'sensors'\n";
	print "\t\tmultiple triples are permitted\n";
	print "\n\t\tNB: a threshold value can be optionally prefixed by an
operator character.\n";
	print "\t\tValid operators are currently '>', '<', '==', '>=', '<='.
The default is '>='.\n";
	print "\t\t\te.g. if the warn threshold is <30, then a warning is
raised if the value is less than 30.\n";
	print "\t\tNo attempt is made to ensure the resultant logic is

if( $#ARGV < 4 ) {
	usage "Not enough args";

shift @ARGV;

while( $#ARGV >= 3 ) {



	$ARGV[$i] =~ /^([=<>]*)([0-9.]+)/ or usage "Invalid warning
threshold format: $ARGV[$i]";
	$warn = $2;
	$warnop = $1 ne "" ? $1 : ">=";

	$ARGV[$i] =~ /^([=<>]*)([0-9.]+)/ or usage "Invalid critical
threshold format: $ARGV[$i]";
	$critical = $2;
	$criticalop = $1 ne "" ? $1 : ">=";

	$config{ $field } = [ $fieldDisp, $warn, $warnop, $critical,
$criticalop ];

	shift @ARGV;
	shift @ARGV;
	shift @ARGV;
	shift @ARGV;

sub eval_simple {
	my( $value, $op, $threshold ) = @_;
	eval "$value $op $threshold";

$retcode = $RC_OK;

open( SENSOR, "$SENSOR_PROG $chip|" ) or usage "Failed to run
$SENSOR_PROG\n"; while( <SENSOR> ) {
	if( /^([^:]+)[^0-9]*([0-9.]+)/ ) {
		$field = $1;
		$value = $2;
		if( defined( $config{ $field } ) ) {
			$fieldDisp = ${$config{ $field }}[0];
			$warn = ${$config{ $field }}[1];
			$warnop = ${$config{ $field }}[2];
			$critical = ${$config{ $field }}[3];
			$criticalop = ${$config{ $field }}[4];

			$output .= "$fieldDisp=$value";

			if( eval_simple( $value, $criticalop, $critical ) )
				$output .= "(C$criticalop$critical)";
				$retcode = $RC_CRITICAL;
			} elsif( $retcode == $RC_OK and eval_simple( $value,
$warnop, $warn ) ) {
				$output .= "(W$warnop$warn)";
				$retcode = $RC_WARN;
			$output .= ";";
close( SENSOR );

print "$output\n";
exit $retcode;

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